分類: 活動公告
來源: 國際事務處國際學術合作與交流組 - 胡鐿珈 - ice@mail.ndhu.edu.tw - 電話8634107
對象: 全校學生
標題: 【交流營】2017日本東京首都大學冬令營
日期: Mon, 12 Sep 2016 13:26:30 +0800
附檔: Japanese Winter Program 2016.pdf (743 KB)   

○Program Contents
The 3-week program consists of 51 hours of Japanese language study, 6 hours of Japan Studies, and 12 hours of field trips.

○Duration of Program
 11 January – 27 January 2017

○Japanese Class Level(2 levels)
Beginners' class:
For those who have just started learning Japanese. (CEFR Level: A0 - A1*,JLPT Level: N5 or lower**) Pre-intermediate class:
For those with basic knowledge of Japanese. (CEFR Level: A2* ,JLPT Level: preparatory to N4**)
*CEFR: Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
**JLPT: Japanese Language Proficiency Test

○Eligible Participants
Undergraduate or graduate students from our partner universities

○Number of Participants
32 students (16 for each class)

○NDHU Recommendation Number
2 students

○Program Fee
91,000 JPY
This program fee includes accommodation fee, education materials, and a part of admission fee for field trips. Not included in the program fee are meals, airfare, travel insurance, other expenses incurred by field-trips (about 5,000 JPY for transportation and admission expenses), transportation between the University and accommodation, and daily expenses.

Hashimoto Park Hotel (Check-in :10 January 2017, Check-out  :28 January 2017)

80,000 JPY will be offered to students who meet all the requirements set by JASSO.
※Scholarship will be paid two weeks after arrival on Japan.

○Required documents
1. Application Form for the Winter Japanese Program 2. Japanese Language Evaluation Sheet 3. A copy of the photo page of your passport 4. Official transcript 5. Application Form for Japan Student Services Organization(JASSO) Scholarship program 6. Self-recommendation form

○Application Deadline
2016/09/30 PM12:00

○Click me to apply and see more details

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Japanese Winter Program 2016.pdf

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