分類: 課程公告 來源: 永續發展中心 - 李莉莉 Li-Li Lee - sd@gms.ndhu.edu.tw - 電話03-890-5920 對象: 全校教職員_全校學生_兼任教師_退休教職員_教職員眷屬 標題: 【Invited 敬邀參加】永續報告書的入門課程 Introductory Course on Sustainability Report 日期: Sat, 30 Nov 2024 07:56:22 +0800 附檔: 20241205 永續報告書的入門課程.jpg (364 KB)   
大家好, 想瞭解當前最熱門的「永續報告書」嗎? 我們特別邀請領導力企業管理顧問有限公司鄭瑜皓經理,為大家解析日益受到關注的永續議題、企業如何回應永續需求,以及如何編製與發布永續報告書,同時分享實務經驗,提供您如何從自身出發,提升永續能力,掌握永續發展的關鍵技巧。 時間:113年12月5日(週四)17:30-20:30 地點:壽豐校區管理學院 B103 教室 報名:線上報名。報名期限:即日起至113年12月4日(週三)10:00止。 說明: 1. 活動供晚餐,當日茹素者請另寄電子郵件至 sd@gms.ndhu.edu.tw。臨時報名者請恕不供餐。 2. 為利事前準備,報名後因故取消,於報名開放期間,請以跨域自主學習認證系統處理。113年12月4日(週三)10:00後,懇請來信 sd@gms.ndhu.edu.tw。非常感謝您的配合。 3. 課程將以中文進行。 Dear all, Are you curious about the trending topic of "Sustainability Report"? This course welcomes Manager Yu-Hao Cheng from Leadership Management Consulting Co., Ltd., who will delve into why sustainability issues are gaining significant attention, how businesses are addressing sustainability demands, and the steps involved in compiling and publishing sustainability reports. Manager Cheng will also share practical insights, and guide on enhancing your sustainability capabilities, equipping participants with the essential skills needed for sustainable development. Time: 17:30–20:30, Wednesday, December 5, 2024 Venue: Classroom B103, College of Management Building, Shoufeng Campus Registration: Online at https://sys.ndhu.edu.tw/SA/XSL_ApplyRWD/ActAnnounce.aspx?ActID=23463 Registration Deadline: 10:00 AM, Tuesday, December 4, 2024 Notes: 1. Dinner boxes will be provided during the event. Participants requiring vegetarian meals are kindly requested to email sd@gms.ndhu.edu.tw in advance. Please note that meals will not be provided to late registrants. 2. To facilitate preparations, if you need to cancel your registration, please do so via the Interdisciplinary Autonomous Learning Certification System during registration. After 10:00 AM on Tuesday, December 4, 2024, cancellations should be submitted via email to sd@gms.ndhu.edu.tw. We greatly appreciate your understanding and cooperation. 3. The course will be conducted in Chinese. 李莉莉 Li-Li Lee 國立東華大學 永續發展中心 Center for Sustainable Development 電話 Tel:+886-3-890-5920 電子郵件 E-mail:sd@gms.ndhu.edu.tw 網址 Website:https://sdgs.ndhu.edu.tw/
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