分類: 其他公告 來源: 教學卓越中心 - 蕭定泓 - xiao@gms.ndhu.edu.tw - 電話6585 對象: 全校教職員_全校學生 標題: 【重要通知】K書中心與各院自習空間期中考後更新時段(第一次公告) 日期: Tue, 12 Nov 2024 18:13:51 +0800 附檔: K_書中心使用須知.pdf (203 KB)   
Dear Faculty and Students,
The Center for Teaching Excellence announces the following updates for study facilities:
1.【K書中心A館】/ [Study Center Building A]
Study Center Building A will be temporarily closed from November 10th for post-earthquake repairs by the Office of General Affairs.
2.【K書中心B館】/ [Study Center Building B]
※ 請勿在內喧嘩飲食佔位等,離開時也請記得帶走隨身物品,詳細規範請參考附件一。
Will maintain 24-hour operation after midterms based on student feedback.
※ Please note: No noise, food, drinks, or seat reservation. Take all belongings when leaving. See Attachment 1 for complete guidelines.
※ Please note: No noise, food, drinks, or seat reservation. Take all belongings when leaving. See Attachment 1 for complete guidelines.
3.【各院自習空間】/ [College Study Spaces]
All college study rooms will be closed after midterms. Please check individual college announcements for future arrangements.
1. 24小時開放。
2. 進出館舍仍須刷卡,請記得攜帶學生證。
1. 因應部分座位區域受強震影響,輕鋼架曾有掉落情形, 相關區域已張貼警示標語,請同學特別留意。
2. 請保管好個人物品,逾時未取走將以遺失物處理,詳見第四點。
2. 請保管好個人物品,逾時未取走將以遺失物處理,詳見第四點。
1. 場館內部禁止飲食。
2. 保持安靜,避免影響他人自習。
3. 使用完畢請整理座位,不得放置物品或使用充電插座佔位。
4. 如有違反以上規定行為,將依校規處理。
1. 場館內部禁止飲食。
2. 保持安靜,避免影響他人自習。
3. 使用完畢請整理座位,不得放置物品或使用充電插座佔位。
4. 如有違反以上規定行為,將依校規處理。
K書中心A、B館之遺失物僅保存至113年11月30日止, 逾期未認領將全數清除,請同學務必保管好個人物品。
Building B Regulations:
- Access:
- Open 24 hours
- Student ID card required for entry/exit
- Important Notes:
- Earthquake damage: Warning signs posted in affected areas
- Keep personal belongings secure
- No food or drinks allowed
- Maintain quiet study environment
- No seat reservation with personal items or charging devices
- Violations will face disciplinary action
Lost and Found: Unclaimed items from both Study Center Buildings will be disposed of after November 30th, 2024.
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