分類: 其他公告
來源: 教學卓越中心 - 陳依萱 - sian@gms.ndhu.edu.tw - 電話5846
對象: 全校教職員_全校學生
標題: 【重要通知】因應康芮颱風來襲,各院夜間自習空間暫停開放公告 Temporary Closure of Nighttime Self-Study Spaces Due to Typhoon Kong-Rey
日期: Wed, 30 Oct 2024 15:14:50 +0800

【重要通知】因應康芮颱風來襲,各院夜間自習空間暫停開放公告 Temporary Closure of Nighttime Self-Study Spaces Due to Typhoon Kong-Rey

由於康芮(KONG-REY )颱風來襲,目前各院需進行防颱準備工作,

教學卓越中心 敬啟

[Important Notice] Temporary Closure of Nighttime Self-Study Spaces Due to Typhoon Kong-Rey

In response to the approaching Typhoon Kong-Rey, all departments will be carrying out typhoon prevention measures. Therefore, the nighttime self-study spaces in all departments will be temporarily closed until further notice.

Center for Teaching Excellence

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