分類: 活動公告 來源: 藝術中心 - 周葦綸 - arts@gms.ndhu.edu.tw - 電話6606 對象: 全校教職員_全校教師_全校職員_全校學生_休學學生_兼任教師_退休教職員_教職員眷屬 標題: 📢⪦ 2024東華秋藝季:瑞典AORA人聲樂團巡迴音樂會花蓮場《2024台灣國際重唱藝術節》 日期: Tue, 15 Oct 2024 11:13:16 +0800 附檔: 1016.jpg (1 MB)   
#第二彈國際音樂季是Acappella 😍 #台灣國際重唱藝術節特邀團隊 #瑞典AORA人聲樂團巡迴音樂會 in Hualien 🚩2024 東華秋藝季: 瑞典AORA人聲樂團巡迴音樂會花蓮場《2024台灣國際重唱藝術節》 AORA - Sweden Vocal Group Concert Tour Hualien Session 《2024 Taiwan International Contemporary A Cappella Festival》 ▸時間:10/16 (三) 19:00 ▸地點:藝術學院音樂廳 ▸演出:瑞典AORA人聲樂團 女高音|Lydia Zara Asteberg 次女高音|Britta Linnéa Seldinger 女中音|Sofie Maj Christina Eiderfors 男高音|Karl Sigfrid Gabriel Sjöwall 男中音/人聲打擊|Marcus Oscar Alexander Svärd 男低音|Jonas Erik Törnqvist ⛔ 請注意:18:30開放入場,場地座位限400人,座位額滿即不再開放入場 ⛔ Please note:The admission time is 18:30, and this event is limited to 400 participants. The admission will be closed once the spots are full. ⚠ 跨域自主學習系統(非入場證明,不強制登錄,有參與的觀眾皆可獲得時數):https://sys.ndhu.edu.tw/SA/XSL_ApplyRWD/ActAnnounce.aspx?ActID=22797 ⚠ Campus Activities Reservation System(Optional, non registered audience is welcome to participate in this event, and the hours will also be offered.) 藝文中心國際音樂季第二彈重磅來襲! 來自瑞典斯德哥爾摩的AORA人聲樂團,成立於2016年,曾榮獲過多次大獎,並經常受邀在歐洲各地巡迴演出,參加各大音樂節與比賽,他們以極具創意的原創音樂編曲和現代阿卡貝拉風格享譽國際。這次他們受邀參加台灣國際重唱藝術節,將於10月16日在國立東華大學藝術學院音樂廳帶來特別的阿卡貝拉演出! 阿卡貝拉(Acappella)源自義大利語,意思為無樂器伴奏的純人聲音樂,阿卡貝拉並不局限於團體演出,有許多華語流行歌手也曾推出過阿卡貝拉的歌曲,橫跨了國語、台語、粵語三種語言。而這次的阿卡貝拉雖然來自瑞典,但除了外語歌曲外,還有可能聽到我們耳熟能詳的華語流行樂,是不是很期待呢?就讓我們一起來聆聽美妙的人聲音樂會吧!10/16(三)晚上七點我們不見不散! Second wave of the International Music Festival at the Arts Center is coming with a BANG! Formed in 2016, AORA vocal group which is from Sweden Stockholm have won multiple awards. They are invited to tour across Europe frequently and participate in every major music festival and competition. By using extremely creative arrangements from the original music and modern a cappella style, AORA earned themselves a highly revered name all over the world. This time, they are invited to join the Taiwan International Contemporary A Cappella Festival, and will bring a brilliant performance to NDHU at the music hall of College of the Arts on October 16! Acappella, derived from Italian, means music performed by a singer or a singing group without instrumental accompaniment. Many Mandopop singers have also released a cappella songs which span Mandarin, Taiwanese, and Cantonese three different languages. Although this a cappella group comes from Sweden, there is a possibility of hearing some familiar Mandopop hits in addition to foreign language songs. Aren’t you excited? Let us enjoy this fabulous a cappella concert together! See you at 7:00 pm on October 16(Wed.)! --------------------------------- 💁♀️也歡迎追蹤藝文中心相關網站,隨時獲取第一手消息! ‣ 1分30秒短片認識藝文中心:https://youtu.be/sNegrMONrzI ‣ 藝文中心facebook:https://www.facebook.com/ndhuartscenter/ ‣ 藝文中心Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/artscenter_ndhu/ ‣ 藝文中心網站:https://artscenter.ndhu.edu.tw/index.php ‣ 藝文中心線上期刊:https://issuu.com/ndhu_artscenter 如有任何問題,歡迎洽詢 電話:03-8906604、6606 E-mail:arts@mail.ndhu.edu.tw
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