分類: 活動公告, 演講暨研討會
來源: 教育與潛能開發學系 - 溫小姐 - yuyu@gms.ndhu.edu.tw - 電話3823
對象: 全校教職員_全校學生
標題: 2024/11/7~2024 臺、泰、越國際性別論壇 2024 International Gender Forum for Taiwan, Thailand and Vietnam
日期: Wed, 9 Oct 2024 16:10:13 +0800
附檔: 2024多元性別、平等與包容性國際論壇: 跨域研究與教學實踐-20241009.jpg (481 KB)   

(一) 論壇主題:『多元性別、平等與包容性國際論壇:跨域研究與教學實踐』
International Forum on Gender Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: Interdisciplinary Research and Teaching Practice in Higher Education 
(二) 論壇資訊
以東華大學教育學院為中心推動「亞洲性別教育行動聯盟」(Asian  Alliance for  Gender Education Action),邀請臺灣、泰國、越南三國深耕性平教育的教育工作者,經由跨域、跨校、跨國共同學術研究對話,連結兩國關心性別教育/性別相關議題的教師建構行動聯盟、課程共創、教學共備、資源共享以及學術共研等途徑,讓兩國的師生可以彼此共學,以增進兩國師生性別教育的國際移動力,開拓性別意識的國際觀點。
Prof. Dr. Udomluk Koolsriroj, Dean, Faculty of Education, Kasetsart University(泰國)
Prof. Dr. Lin, Jun-hua(Associate Professor), Department of Taiwan and regional studies, NDHU林潤華教授(臺灣)
PHAN THI GAM, Ph.D.Candidate, Department of Education and Human Potentials, NDHU(越南)
(四)講座時間- 113年11月07日(星期四)13:30-17:00
(五)講座地點- 本校教育學院A308光明講堂
(六)參加對象- 全校師生,對領域、議題有興趣者
*本次活動可認證 3.5 小時跨域時數。

Forum Topics
International Forum on Gender Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: Interdisciplinary Research and Teaching Practice in Higher Education 

Forum Information
Date/Time: 11/7(Thu),13:30~17:00(13:00-13:20報到check-in)
Location: Faculty of Education A308 Decal & Emily Hall 
Languages: English, Chinese (without immediate translation)
A copy of each speaker's presentation slide will be included in the conference handbook.

This international gender forum originates from the 112th New Southbound Plan Academic Activity Plan, which aims to realize “Work Together for Gender Equity: Taiwan and Thailand Gender Education Action Alliance (TTGEAA)” through interdisciplinary, cross-school, and cross-country practice. 
The College of Education, National Dong Hwa University (NDHU) and the College of Education, Kasetsart University (KU) are working together on a cross-country collaborative project, with NDHU's College of Education at the center of the project, to promote the “Asian Alliance for Gender Education Action”.

Application form :https://forms.gle/oHK8koCt4ChRLeEv5
More information:https://sites.google.com/view/ttgeaa-ndhu

jpg、png、gif、pdf 附檔縮圖(pdf 只顯示第一頁):

2024多元性別、平等與包容性國際論壇: 跨域研究與教學實踐-20241009.jpg

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