分類: 行政公告 來源: 學務處 - 王玉君 - hu.jean0503@gms.ndhu.edu.tw - 電話8906220 對象: 全校教職員_全校學生_休學學生 標題: 【安全宣導】颱風期間非必要勿外出,雨天行車請減速慢行,避免緊急煞車【Safety Reminder】Road Safety on Rainy Days 日期: Mon, 30 Sep 2024 16:27:15 +0800
大家好: 颱風期間伴隨著強風豪雨,請同學非必要請避免外出,天雨路滑容易造成意外的發生,行經週邊道路人孔蓋及標線時,雨天車輪抓地力較差,通常在瞬間急扣煞車會導致傳動輪(後輪)鎖死造成打滑,所以下雨天時常會在抓地力不佳的路面發生意外,請同學留意車速讓自己有足夠的時間反應,避免急扣煞車。 此外連續雨天易致柏油馬路產生小坑洞或路面下陷等危險因素,尤其雨天及夜間騎機車時視線不佳,盡量避免外出。如需外出提醒同學穿著鮮明雨衣外套並減速慢行。 學務處生活輔導組關心您 Dear All, During the typhoon, there are strong winds and heavy rains. Students are asked to avoid going out unless necessary. Pay attention to road safety on Rainy Days. Please watch out for torrential rain. The likelihood of an accident increases on slippery roads. Wheels might lose traction, especially when riding on manhole covers or road surface markings. Usually when braking, the rear wheel will be locked and cause the vehicle to slip. Please pay attention to your speed and allow yourself enough time to react to any situation, and avoid sudden braking. Additionally, rain might produce holes on asphalt roads or cause road subsidence. We’d like to remind you: Avoid riding scooter late at night. If you need to ride scooter, please wear bright-colored raincoats and ride slowly. Sincerely, Student Living Services Division, Office of Student Affairs