分類: 行政公告 來源: 學務處生活輔導組 - 吳昭毅 - wuyi12831@gms.ndhu.edu.tw - 電話038906228 對象: 全校教職員_全校學生 標題: 【海上和陸上颱風警報】山陀兒中度颱風(國際名KRATHON)海上和陸地颱風警報! Moderate typhoon KRATHON (international name KRATHON) maritime and land typhoon warning 日期: Mon, 30 Sep 2024 06:13:32 +0800 附檔: 附檔1.png (91 KB)   附檔2.png (64 KB)   
中央氣象局已在今(30)日凌晨2時30分發布「山陀兒颱風」海上陸上颱風警報,「山陀兒颱風」目前中心位置在鵝鑾鼻西南方海面,向北移動,其暴風圈已進入巴士海峽,對恆春半島及臺灣南部陸地構成威脅,請立即做好防颱準備,並維護自身安全。 一、檢查住處門窗是否牢固?是否可能滲水? 二、檢查屋頂、陽台漏水孔是否遭異物堵塞,屋外排水溝是否暢通? 三、檢查室外盆栽、吊掛物是否需要移至室內,以避免掉落毀損或砸人受傷。 四、預防停電-照明手電筒、電池、蠟燭是否準備? 五、避免斷炊-乾糧、麵包、礦泉水是否準備? 六、防範淹水及土石流-如住所地勢低窪或山坡地附近,應暫時避至安全處所。 七、慎防意外-風大雨大時很危險,切勿外出。 八、掌握颱風訊息-注意收聽廣播、新聞報導。 九、颱風侵襲期間如遇緊急狀況,請直接撥打119電話求助,或撥打學校緊急電話 駐衛警︰03-8632119 值勤校安︰03-8632995。 ~ 學務處關心您 ~ Dear all The Central Meteorological Administration has issued a maritime and land typhoon warning for "Typhoon KRATHON" at 2:30 a.m. today (30th). We kindly remind our staff and students to make your storm preparations early. Also please refrain from engaging in any outdoor activities, especially in mountainous areas or any area near bodies of water. Organizers and participants of any outdoor activity/event should also very pay close attention to the path of the storm and make arrangements in advance, so that if needs be, changes in routes or ending times of the activity/event can be timely communicated. The latest on the path of the storm can be accessed at any time on The Central Weather Bureau’s website from the webpage below: https://www.cwa.gov.tw/V8/C/P/Typhoon/TY_WARN.html ~The Student Living Services Divsion cares about your safety~
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