分類: 其他公告
來源: 學務處畢業生及校友服務組 - 溫小姐 - fengting0804@gms.ndhu.edu.tw - 電話6282
對象: 全校教職員_全校學生
標題:  ✨點亮校園塔樓燈光~祝福畢業生前途光明似錦✨✨Light up the campus tower~Wish the graduates a bright future✨
日期: Mon, 27 May 2024 19:59:07 +0800
附檔: 行政大樓.jpg (96 KB)   圖資大樓01.jpg (92 KB)   理工二館.jpg (114 KB)   人社.jpg (168 KB)   


📣The graduation ceremony will be held this Saturday~~~
To celebrate the graduation of the 112th academic year graduates, the school adheres to the tradition and starts to light up the tower lights of the Shoufeng Campus 
(administrative building, Human Resources, and Social Sciences Building 1 and 2, School of Management, School of Education, Second Building of Science and Technology, School of Art),
Through the warm light of the tower, we sincerely wish the graduates a bright future, study in Donghua, and flourish in the world.

Light up the tower lights to make the quiet campus more beautiful at night. 
Teachers and students are welcome to take advantage of the eve of the graduation ceremony to take pictures of the beautiful campus scene with the tower lights up at night to share with everyone.

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