分類: 行政公告, 活動公告, 課程公告, 招生公告
來源: 通識教育中心 - 陳美娥 - mayer@gms.ndhu.edu.tw - 電話6607
對象: 大一_大二_大三_大四以上
標題: 公告113學年度第1學期校核心通識課程規劃重要相關注意事項Important Information about the University Core Curriculum for Autumn 2024
日期: Tue, 21 May 2024 13:17:46 +0800
附檔: 113-1選課注意事項.pdf (295 KB)   113學年度第1學期校核心通識課程列表0521.pdf (626 KB)   校核心通識各系所不計入之課程彙整.pdf (304 KB)   

1.	非師培學系國小、中等教育師培生,修讀師培中心開設之教育學程學分,不得計入通識學分,若放棄教育師資資格且經師培中心確認者,則可計入通識學分。
2.	自105學年度起,於線上加簽期間,本中心已不再核可學生辦理退課事宜,敬請審慎評估選課事宜。
3.	學生須留意所選課程是否為系所不計入科目(請參考通識課規);修習之系所不計入課程不會計入通識學分,但會計入畢業學分。
4.	自108-2起,以下6門全英授課課程,將取消計入英檢加修課程,選課時請務必斟酌考量,以免影響畢業權益;其他英檢加修課程請至語言中心網頁查詢。
課碼	課名
GC__B0060	鋼琴彈奏入門與欣賞
GC__17900	理財入門
GC__63160	經濟學概論
GC__64680	書法入門與習作
GC__44700	全球環境變遷與永續發展
    GC__67710	氣候變遷科學基礎
GC__65350	心理學與生活
5.	為免影響選課權益,請同學務必出席第一堂課,並詳閱教學計畫內容(請注意選課備註說明)。
6.	校核心課程開課標準為20人以上,未達開課標準之課程將辦理停開作業。
		                  	通識教育中心  敬啟 
Important Information about the University Core Curriculum for Autumn  2024

Dear Dong Hwa Students,

Please read carefully the attached document for the important information regarding the University Core Curriculum for Spring 2024. Below is a summary of it for your information.

1.	For students of non-Education departments who are in the Pre-service Teacher Education Programs for Elementary or Secondary Education, the Teacher Education credits earned from the courses offered by the Center for Teacher Education cannot count toward the University Core Curriculum credits unless they abandon the qualification as pre-service teachers, and such abandonment is officially confirmed by the Center for Teacher Education.
2.	Since Fall 2016, the General Education Center no longer accepts and approves any requests to drop courses during the Additional Course Add period. Please be prudent when arranging your course schedules.
3.	Please consult the General Education regulations to make sure if a course taken can count toward your major/program course requirements; a course taken that does not count toward the University Core Curriculum course credits will still be included in the total course credits completed upon graduation.
4.	Since Spring 2019, the following English-taught University Core courses are NOT recognized as Additional Courses for the English Requirement for Graduation. Please pay attention when choosing Additional Courses for the English Requirement for Graduation. For the list of courses eligible as Additional Courses for the English Requirement for Graduation, please consult the website of the Language Center.
Course Code	Course Title
GC__B0060	Piano Playing and Music Appreciation
GC__17900	Introduction to Finance
GC__63160	Introduction to Economic Theory
GC__64680	Introduction to Chinese Calligraphy and Practice
GC__44700	Global Change and Sustainable Development
GC__67710	Fundamentals of Climate Change Science

GC__65350	Psychology and Life

5.You are strongly advised to attend the first meeting of a course and read the course plan and syllabus (also the additional note) carefully.
6.A general University Core course must have a minimum of 20 students registered after the Course Add/Drop Period. A class less than 20 students will be canceled. 

If you have any questions about the University Core Curriculum, please feel free to contact the General Education Center Team, 890-6602, 890-6603, 890-6605, or 890-6607.
General Education Center

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