分類: 活動公告, 演講暨研討會
來源: 資訊工程學系 - 謝嘉文 - cbjiawen@gms.ndhu.edu.tw - 電話8905026
對象: 全校教職員_全校學生
標題: [CSIE Speech] 5/3 Heroic Odyssey: A Sonnet of My Days in Diplomacy by TaiwanICDF Secretary General
日期: Thu, 18 Apr 2024 17:52:23 +0800
附檔: Speaker Introduction 講者介紹.pdf (156 KB)   Poster.pdf (6 MB)   

[CSIE Speech] 5/3 Heroic Odyssey: A Sonnet of My Days in Diplomacy by TaiwanICDF Secretary General

Explore the World Through the Eyes of a Taiwanese Ambassador: Join the “Heroic Odyssey: A Sonnet of My Days in Diplomacy” Speech to broaden your global perspective!

Are you curious about the life of a diplomat? How do diplomats negotiate international agreements across different cultures, handle high-stakes situations, and maintain international friendships? Or how can a small nation like Taiwan make a big impact on the global stage?

On May 3rd, the Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering is thrilled to invite the highly esteemed Amb. Charles C. Li, Secretary General of the International Cooperation and Development Fund (TaiwanICDF), to share his challenges and wisdom as a diplomat and give an exciting speech on his almost 40-year diplomatic career—Heroic Odyssey: A Sonnet of My Days in Diplomacy.

Holding a BA degree in Foreign Languages and Literature endowed with humanitarian concerns and communicative passion, Secretary General Li has embarked on a challenging and long-lasting diplomatic journey since 1987. He has encountered a multitude of difficulties, gained a wealth of experience and expertise in international affairs, and achieved impressive results in building diplomatic relations with various countries, including St. Lucia, Indonesia, India, and Myanmar. He is the right man to listen to if you’re curious about the following topics!

●Taiwan’s Organizations, Policies & Contributions: International Cooperation and Development Fund (TaiwanICDF), The New Southbound Policy…
●Diplomatic Challenges & Achievements: Re-establishing Diplomatic Relations with St. Lucia
●Cultures and Lives in St. Lucia, Indonesia, India, and Myanmar…
And many more!

【Speech Title】Heroic Odyssey: A Sonnet of My Days in Diplomacy
【Speaker】Amb. Charles C. Li, TaiwanICDF Secretary General
【Time】13:00-16:00 on May 3rd (Friday)
【Venue】Performance Arts Hall, Student Activities Center, NDHU

* Provides Diverse Progress Hours

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Speaker Introduction 講者介紹.pdf


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