分類: 行政公告, 課程公告
來源: 教務處課務組 - 課務組 - utd1003@gms.ndhu.edu.tw - 電話6122-6126
對象: 全校教職員_全校學生_休學學生_兼任教師
標題: 【課務組】112學年度第2學期期中停修  Mid-semester course withdrawal (4/22 - 5/10)
日期: Mon, 15 Apr 2024 10:40:02 +0800


112-2學期期中停修將自4/22 (一)開始申請。
1.網路線上停修申請時間:4/22 - 5/10。
2.有停修需求之同學,請向任課教師(或助教)領取停修碼。本校於4/10 – 26實施線上教學,授課
3.領取停修碼後,請在期限內以智慧型手機、平板掃描QR Code,
※停修同學請妥善保管QR Code【停修碼】,遺失概不補發;

課務組敬啟 (分機:6122~6126) 

Dear students:

The application of Mid-semester Course Withdrawal starts from Apr. 22 to May 10.
Please notice the following points for the course withdrawal:
1. Please ask the professor (or TA) for QR Code. Our school will implement online teaching from 4/10 – 26, and the professors (or TA) can send the QR code by e-mail.
2. (1) Scan QR Code or (2) login【Course selection system】and enter the code, confirm it before May 10. 
3. Only one course withdrawal is allowed each semester.
4. Your course credits must meet the minimum level requested by your department after withdrawing one course.
5. The withdrawn course will be presented with a mark "W" in your transcript and is not contained in the GPA calculation.
6. The credit fee of the withdrawn course is still to be paid.
7. If you have questions about your courses, please visit your department office for assistance.

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