分類: 工讀與獎學金
來源: 研發處 - 洪乃慈 - naitzu@gms.ndhu.edu.tw - 電話6523
對象: 全校教職員_大二_大三_大四以上_碩士生
標題: 【IMMERGENCY ANNOUNCEMENT 緊急通知:4/12DIGI+申請活動改為線上辦理】DIGI+Talent 跨域數位人才加速躍升計畫 & Talent Circulation Alliance-大學校院花蓮場申請說明會
日期: Wed, 10 Apr 2024 09:01:20 +0800

原定於本周舉辦【DIGI+Talent 跨域數位人才加速躍升計畫 & Talent Circulation Alliance 】4/12花蓮場大專院校說明會
Due to the earthquake and consideration of all members' safety, the scheduled event "DIGI+ Talent Accelerator and Jumpstart Program & Talent Circulation Alliance" information session at Hualien will be held online, and related information is as follows. We apologize for any inconvenience caused. Thank you.

一、      原定活動:DIGI+Talent 跨域數位人才加速躍升計畫 & Talent Circulation Alliance-大學校院申請說明會
       Event: DIGI+ Talent Accelerator and Jumpstart Program & Talent Circulation Alliance Campus Info Session
二、      原定地點東華大學(花蓮縣壽豐鄉大學路二段1號)
       Scheduled Location: National Dong Hwa University (No. 1, Sec. 2, University Road, Shoufeng Township, Hualien County)
三、      原定時間:113年4月12日 下午14:10 - 16:00,
Date & Time: April 12th 2024, 14:10 - 16:00
DIGI - 14:10 ~ 15:00,TCA - 15:10 ~ 16:00
四、      異動地點:【緊急通知:因地震關係本場活動改為線上辦理】
 Changed Location: [IMMERGENCY ANNOUNCEMENT: Due to the earthquake, the event will be held online.]
五、      活動資訊 Event Information
       (一) 會議網址 Meeting Link:https://itri-abc.my.webex.com/itri-abc.my/j.php?MTID=m93a5124aeed940d05c864fb58d5fd534
(二) 會議號碼 Meeting Number25144345404
(三) 會議密碼 Meeting Passworda6eMCs4WZX3


DIGI+ Talent跨域數位人才加速躍升計畫   連絡窗口:陳小姐   連絡電話:0800-035822轉2  連絡信箱:digitalent@itri.org.tw

Talent Circulation Alliance (TCA) (Recruit International Students/Overseas Chinese students only)
-English Contact person: Ms. Wen / talentcirculation@gmail.com / Tel.: 02-6631-6740
Program Website: www.talentcirculationalliance.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/talentcirculation



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