分類: 招生公告
來源: 原住民族研究國際博士班 - Ms. Dungi黃怡瑄 - dungi@gms.ndhu.edu.tw - 電話+886 3 8905760
對象: 全校教職員
標題: Explore Diversity: Apply Now for the International Ph.D. Program in Indigenous Studies at NDHU, Taiwan
日期: Tue, 2 Apr 2024 15:44:38 +0800
附檔: International Ph.D. Program in Indigenous Studies.png (3 MB)   

Are you passionate about delving into the rich tapestry of Taiwan's Indigenous cultures, histories, and perspectives?
Join the International Ph.D. Program in Indigenous Studies at National Dong Hwa University to fuel your passion and drive for positive impact.

*Full-English Taught: Experience seamless communication and collaboration with peers and professors from diverse backgrounds.

*Community Engagement: During your Ph.D. journey in Taiwan, work closely with local communities to immerse yourself in the rich tapestry of Indigenous cultures and forge meaningful connections.

*Diverse Career Pathways: Whether your ambitions lie in academia, policymaking, or social justice advocacy, our program equips you with the interdisciplinary skills and knowledge needed to excel in your chosen field. 

*Financial Support: We offer a range of scholarships, including those from universities and government bodies, to support first-year Ph.D. students in their academic pursuits. Take the first step towards securing your future.

Join us in shaping a more inclusive world where every voice is heard and valued.

Ms. Dungi/ Program Assistant

College of Indigenous Studies, National Dong Hwa University
No. 1, Sec. 2, Da Hsueh Rd. Shoufeng, Hualien 974301, Taiwan

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