分類: 活動公告
來源: 藝術中心 - 周葦綸 - arts@gms.ndhu.edu.tw - 電話6606
對象: 全校教職員_全校教師_全校職員_全校學生_休學學生_兼任教師_退休教職員_教職員眷屬
標題: 📢≺ 2024東華春藝季~《夏綠 . 東華》費瑟林‧帕拉希克弗夫、吳庭毓與夏綠節慶室內樂團音樂會 《Salut NDHU》Vesselin Paraschkevov、Ting-Yuh Wu and Salut Festival Chamber Orchestra Concert
日期: Mon, 25 Mar 2024 15:03:57 +0800
附檔: 0402海報new.png (2 MB)   

📢≺ 2024東華春藝季~《夏綠 . 東華》費瑟林‧帕拉希克弗夫、吳庭毓與夏綠節慶室內樂團音樂會
《Salut NDHU》Vesselin Paraschkevov、Ting-Yuh Wu and Salut Festival Chamber Orchestra Concert

▸時間:2024年4月2日(二) 19:00
▸演出者:費瑟林‧帕拉希克弗夫 Vesselin Paraschkevovvov

▸ Time| 2.4.2024 (Tue.) 19:00
▸ Venue|NDHU Concert Hall, College of The Arts
▸ Performers|Vesselin Paraschkevov、Ting-Yuh Wu、Salut Festival Chamber Orchestra  

#For Free

⛔ 請注意:18:30開放入場,場地座位限400人,座位額滿即不再開放入場 ⛔ 
Please note:The admission time is 18:30, and this event is limited to 400 participants. The admission will be closed once the quota is full.

⚠ 跨域自主學習系統(時數認證用,非強制登錄,非入場證明,歡迎未登錄的觀眾參與,也可以獲得時數):https://sys.ndhu.edu.tw/SA/XSL_ApplyRWD/ActAnnounce.aspx?ActID=20808

如果你聽過古典音樂,一定知道交響樂團;如果你聽過交響樂團,一定知道「維也納愛樂」。但如果都沒聽過也沒關係,因為藝術中心這次邀請到了維也納愛樂樂團的前樂團首席費瑟林‧帕拉希克弗夫 (Vesselin Paraschkevov)以及國家交響樂團 (NSO) 的前樂團首席吳庭毓帶領夏綠節慶室內樂團來拉給你聽!

小提琴獨奏家費瑟林‧帕拉希克弗夫  (Vesselin Paraschkevov) 可說是這世代最知名的小提琴家之一,他出生於保加利亞,從4歲開始拉琴,在俄羅斯學成後開始了他的演出事業,1973年被任命為維也納愛樂樂團的樂團首席、1977年起擔任了德國科隆國家廣播交響樂團的樂團首席,並在1980年擔任德國埃森福克旺音樂院 (Essen Folkwang) 的首席小提琴教授。費瑟林 (Vesselin Paraschkevov) 的演出足跡遍佈了全球,同時他也致力於音樂教育的傳遞,錄製的唱片皆成為了世界音樂家的典範。目前所演奏的小提琴為1710年的Guarnieri名琴。

而帶領夏綠節慶室內樂團的音樂總監吳庭毓,自1989年從法國返國後,受聘擔任國家交響樂團 (NSO) 首席至2022年,累積了35年豐富的舞台經驗,並於2006年創辦Salut Taiwan夏綠國際音樂節,擔任音樂總監至今。現任教於國立臺北藝術大學音樂系所。


If you’ve heard of classical music, you must know symphony orchestras; if you’ve heard of symphony orchestras, you must know the “Vienna Philharmonic”. It’s okay if you’ve never heard any of these because the Arts Center has invited the former concertmaster of Vienna Philharmonic, Vesselin Paraschkevov, and the former concertmaster of National Symphony Orchestra (NSO), Ting-Yuh Wu, with the Salut Festival Chamber Orchestra to play for you!

Violin soloist Vesselin Paraschkevov is considered as one of the most famous violinists in this generation. He was born in Bulgaria, and started to play the violin at 4 years old. In 1973, he was appointed concertmaster of the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra. From 1977, he served as concertmaster of the WDR Symphony Orchestra Cologne in Germany, and he has held a professorial chair at the Folkwang-Hochschule in Essen/Germany since 1980. The performance footprints of Vesselin Paraschkevov are all over the world. At the same time, he is also committed to the transmission of music education, and his records have become models for musicians around the world. 

And the music director who leads the Salut Festival Chamber Orchestra, Ting-Yuh Wu, returned from France in 1989, had been hired to serve as concertmaster of NSO until 2022. Accumulated 35 years of stage experiences, and established Salut Taiwan, the Salut International Festival, he takes charge of the music director until now. Currently, he is teaching in School of Music, Taipei National University of the Arts.

What kind of sparks will the two violinist concertmasters and the Salut string orchestra come out with? Welcome to join us on 2nd April in the newest music hall of College of the Arts!

‣ 1分30秒短片認識藝術中心:https://youtu.be/sNegrMONrzI
‣ 藝術中心facebook:https://www.facebook.com/ndhuartscenter/
‣ 藝術中心Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/artscenter_ndhu/
‣ 藝術中心網站:https://artscenter.ndhu.edu.tw/index.php
‣ 藝術中心線上期刊:https://issuu.com/ndhu_artscenter

如有任何問題,歡迎洽詢  電話:03-8906604、6606

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