分類: 活動公告
來源: 語言中心 - 呂岳芳 - carollu@gms.ndhu.edu.tw - 電話03-8905497
對象: 全校教職員_全校學生
標題: 【活動】第21屆全國法語歌唱大賽-東區複賽 21ème Concours de chansons Francophones Demi-finale est
日期: Mon, 19 Feb 2024 15:00:05 +0800
附檔: 法語歌唱大賽_A1海報.pdf (2 MB)   

Mois de la francophonie à Taïwan 2024
21ème Concours de chansons Francophones Demi-finale est



★複賽時間 : 2024年3月6日 (三)19:30
★複賽地點 : 國立東華大學藝術學院階梯教室A104






★注意事項 :
- 比賽當天不提供任何樂器。參賽者們請自行攜帶樂器或無人聲伴唱音檔(mp3格式)。
- 所有報名需提供的文件資料(學生證影本、身分證或居留證影本以及卡拉OK版本的伴唱音檔-mp3格式)請上傳至報名表單連結。

★Time: 2024/3/6 Wednesday 19:30
★Venue: A104, College of the Arts, National Dong Hwa University
★Winners will obtain qualification of the final in Taipei
★Prize: Gifts and round-trip tickets from Hualien to Taipei


Perform a self-selecting French song. Time limit is 5 minutes per performance.

◇Individual: Adults who are 18 and above (for both students and non-students). 3 winners will go to the championship final in Taipei.

◇Group: For high school students who are 18 and above only. A group can be of maximum 5 members. 2 winner groups will go to the championship final in Taipei.

Sign up link: https://forms.gle/7MvBVZBXguCYJjUc6

Sign up Deadline: 2024/2/29


- Contestants should bring their own instruments or accompaniment mp3 file. No music instruments will be provided on the competition day.

- All contestants should upload required documents to the sign-up google form, including photocopies of your student ID, personal ID or ARC and the accompaniment mp3 file.

臺北總決賽時間 Final in Taipei:2024/3/16(六)Saturday

If you have any questions regarding the competition, please contact NDHU Language Center.


東區主辦單位:國立東華大學 藝術學院|音樂學系|語言中心
Hosted by Bureau Français de Taipei & Association des Professeurs de Français de Taïwan
Organized by National Dong Hwa University, College of the Arts & Department of Music & Language Center

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