分類: 活動公告 來源: 語言中心 - 呂岳芳 - carollu@gms.ndhu.edu.tw - 電話03-8905497 對象: 全校教職員_全校學生 標題: 【活動】「2023年英文旅遊部落格競賽」得獎名單暨後記 日期: Fri, 29 Dec 2023 12:41:14 +0800 附檔: 2023年英文旅遊部落格競賽頒獎合影-20231227-2.jpg (2 MB)   
【「2023年英文旅遊部落格競賽」得獎名單暨後記】 配合國立東華大學教學卓越中心辦理「112-1三創教學課程」,語言中心楊宗樺老師規劃與主辦「2023年英文旅遊部落格競賽:東華校園觀光之旅」,一方面作為於英美語文學系開設「英文作文(一)」補助課程的延伸活動,另一方面,藉此提昇東華人以英文記錄校園人文自然景觀的風氣,同時也向國外旅客展示東華校園之美,吸引前來參訪或甚至就讀。 本次競賽由26件參賽作品中,經評審初審與複審後,決選出冠軍1名、亞軍2名、季軍2名與佳作2名,於2023年12月27日在語言中心前進行頒獎。獲獎者來自不同系所與國家,其中包括大學部學生、交換生,亦有碩博士生。 此次競賽中,不乏有許多國際生參與,參賽者的多元背景,反映出東華校園人文薈萃的多重樣貌與全球化下的國際視野。頒獎上,主辦者楊老師鼓勵獲獎同學持續英文部落格的創作,不僅可精進英文,亦是記錄在臺灣的所見所聞,成為日後的點滴回憶。 得獎名單與部落格的作品連結如下,讓我們一起透過他們不同的視角與風格,感受與欣賞2023年秋冬時期的東華風采。 冠軍:Jochebed Rebecca Simanjuntak(英美系) https://jrndhucampustour.blogspot.com/2023/11/ndhu-campus-tour-blog.html 亞軍:Jacob Anderson(華語文中心) https://myndhu.my.canva.site/ 亞軍:Daniel Espinoza(徐旦明)(諮商與臨床心理學系) https://donghwadventures.blogspot.com/2023/11/dangerous-dong-hwa-how-i-was-bewitched.html 季軍:Ryan Jenson Yapari(葉世豪)(資訊工程學系) https://ryanyapari.wixsite.com/my-site/post/ndhu-campus-tour 季軍:詹曉宣(英美系) https://w1162024.blogspot.com/2023/11/in-beautiful-campus-journey-as-exchange.html 佳作:Ramesh Lalmani Yadav(物理系) https://r965210769.wixsite.com/ndhu-campus-tour-lan/post/ndhu-campus-tour 佳作:Kadri Mohammad Sibtain(教育與潛能開發學系) https://sibbukadri.blogspot.com/2023/11/lets-discover-ndhu-symphony-of-academic.html (備註:本競賽由國立東華大學語言中心主辦、教學卓越中心-三創課程協辦。) 圖片說明:2023年12月27日,於語言中心前進行「2023年英文旅遊部落格競賽」頒獎合影。 【Winners Announcement and Postscript for the “2023 English Travel Blog Competition”】 In collaboration with the Center for Teaching Excellence of National Dong Hwa University (NDHU), Assistant Professor Tsung-hua Yang from the Language Center joined the “112-1 Triple Creativity Curriculum” program. As part of this initiative, he planned and hosted the “2023 English Travel Blog Competition: NDHU Campus Tour.” On one hand, this event serves as an extension activity for the subsidized course “English Composition (I)” offered by the Department of English. On the other hand, it aims to cultivate a culture of documenting the campus’s cultural and natural landscapes in English among the Dong Hwa community. Simultaneously, it seeks to showcase the beauty of NDHU to international visitors, attracting them to visit or even enroll. From the 26 entries in the competition, after initial and secondary evaluations by the judges, one first prize, two second prize, two third prize, and two superior prize winners were selected. The award ceremony took place in front of the Language Center on December 27, 2023. The awardees come from various departments and countries, including undergraduate students, exchange students, and master’s/doctoral candidates. In this competition, there were many international students participating, and the diverse backgrounds of the contestants reflected the multifaceted nature of the humanities at NDHU and the international perspectives in the era of globalization. During the award presentation, Assistant Professor Yang encouraged the winning students to continue creating English travel blogs. This not only enhances their English proficiency but also serves as a record of their observations and experiences in Taiwan, becoming cherished memories for the future. The list of winners and links to their blog entries are provided below, inviting us to appreciate the charm of NDHU during the fall and winter of 2023 through their diverse perspectives and styles. First Prize winner: Jochebed Rebecca Simanjuntak (Department of English) https://jrndhucampustour.blogspot.com/2023/11/ndhu-campus-tour-blog.html Second Prize winner: Jacob Anderson (Chinese Language Center) https://myndhu.my.canva.site/ Second Prize winner: Daniel Espinoza (徐旦明) (Department of Counseling and Clinical Psychology) https://donghwadventures.blogspot.com/2023/11/dangerous-dong-hwa-how-i-was-bewitched.html Third Prize winner: Ryan Jenson Yapari (葉世豪) (Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering) https://ryanyapari.wixsite.com/my-site/post/ndhu-campus-tour Third Prize winner: 詹曉宣 (Department of English) https://w1162024.blogspot.com/2023/11/in-beautiful-campus-journey-as-exchange.html Superior Prize winner: Ramesh Lalmani Yadav (Department of Physics) https://r965210769.wixsite.com/ndhu-campus-tour-lan/post/ndhu-campus-tour Superior Prize winner: Kadri Mohammad Sibtain (Department of Education and Human Potentials Development) https://sibbukadri.blogspot.com/2023/11/lets-discover-ndhu-symphony-of-academic.html (Note: This competition is organized by the Language Center of National Dong Hwa University, with co-sponsorship from the Center for Teaching Excellence-Triple Creativity Curriculum.) Caption: On December 27, 2023, a group photo was taken in front of the Language Center during the award ceremony for the “2023 English Travel Blog Competition.”
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