分類: 行政公告
來源: 總務處環境保護組 - 余承鴻 - a0955763581@gms.ndhu.edu.tw - 電話6393
對象: 全校教職員_全校學生
標題: 校園外環道流浪犬出沒,請提高警覺,注意行車安全。
日期: Tue, 19 Dec 2023 12:42:06 +0800
附檔: 流浪犬出沒地區示意圖.pdf (623 KB)   

(一) 總務處環境保護組(非假日8時至17時),電話:03-8906393。
(二) 駐衛警察隊(24小時通報專線):03-8906119。

總務處環境保護組 敬啟

Stray dogs can sometimes be found on the outer loop road of the campus. For road safety, please be careful while driving or riding vehicles.
1.Stray dogs have been seen lately in the area around the outer loop road on this campus' west side, threatening traffic safety. Please be mindful of surroundings, and if you see any stray dog while driving please try to slow down a bit and swerve left or right to avoid accidents.
2.The unit in charge has sent personnel to strengthen patrols and lay traps in the above area. They've also notified the proper authorities (Hualien County Animal and Plant Epidemic Prevention Office) to help round up stray dogs. If stray dogs are sighted on the campus, do not give them food and keep a safe distance. Also, please immediately report the situation to the General Affairs Office's Environmental Protection Division or campus security police. For reporting stray dog sightings or related issues, please contact:
1) Environmental Protection Division (8- 17 on weekdays): 03-8906393;
2) Campus Security Police (24-Hour Emergency Hotline): 03-8906119.
3.Reminder once again: To prevent personal injury and to protect others, feeding stray dogs is prohibited.
4.Attached is a map highlighting the recent frequent presence of stray dogs in specific areas on our campus (indicated by red markings).

Environmental Protection Division
General Affairs Office

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