分類: 活動公告, 其他公告
來源: 研發處創新育成中心 - 吳其璁 - dci93031@gms.ndhu.edu.tw - 電話03-8903687
對象: 全校教職員_全校教師_全校職員_全校學生
標題: 【學生團隊資訊轉發】12/10  Dwell in Nature < 年末豐田療癒小旅行X自我探索X未來 >
日期: Fri, 1 Dec 2023 17:15:30 +0800











In life, we play multiple roles, but no matter what, do not forget who you truly are.
Whether it is in families or workplace or communities, you and I play a particular role in many occasions and interact with each other under this role.
Get rid of all these characters,

【Who Are You?】
This afternoon, we want to invite everyone to step our foot on the land of Feng Tian to have a special theatrical experience to know the authentic self under multiple characters. Then, we will go to a second-hand store that is filled with love and childhood memories to bring back our past memories and redefine our present self. At the end of the event, we will redirect ourselves with yoga and the activity of writing letters to our future selves, hoping to let us have the faith once again to embrace the next chapter of our life, embrace the unknown as well as the future.
No matter you are tired and want to relax, or feel lost about the future, or want to get to know more about Hualien, we sincerely welcome you to come.

【集合地點 Gathering Place】東華大學操場 NDHU athletic field

【時間 Time】12/10  13:00~17:00

【行程Itinerary】(詳細時間可能因當天狀況有所調整 Details might change according to the situation on that day)
13:00~13:30 前往豐田移創指導所 Head for FengTian Idea Lab
13:30~14:00 我,是誰這是哪裡(心理劇場體驗) Theatrical experience of knowing who we are and where we are
14:00~14:30 城市探索 Explore
14:30~15:40 五味屋(導覽)  Five Way House
15:40~16:30 瑜伽放鬆&靜心 Yoga & Relax
16:30~17:00 寫信給未來的自己 Write letters to our future selves
17:00~17:30 回家吃飯囉 Head back

【費用 Fee】 (含保險、材料、講師費、驚喜小物)
400 NTD
請匯款至 (805) 04300498765256

【我們的聯絡方式Contact us via】
Instagram: @dwell_in.nature
Gmail: dwellin.nature23@gmail.com
請加Dwell in Nature line 群組 https://line.me/ti/g/zXc9u55fm_

【取消&退費機制 Cancellation & Refund】
Applicants must apply the cancellation 7 days before the event. Cancellation will be subject to a handling fee of 10% of the registration fee. Late application will not be accepted. No refunds will be given on the day due to personal factors.

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