分類: 行政公告, 活動公告, 其他公告
來源: 學務處生活輔導組 - 黃勇程 - victor0903@gms.ndhu.edu.tw - 電話0-8906225
對象: 全校學生
標題: 112學年度 【校慶系列活動】畢咖必腳(ㄎㄚ)-鐵馬樂活行尚有名額,報名至11/22日止112th School Year [School Anniversary Series Activities] Cycling Activities
日期: Mon, 20 Nov 2023 14:06:58 +0800
附檔: 路線正鴂.jpg (211 KB)   

     本校112學年度【校慶系列活動】畢咖必腳(ㄎㄚ)-鐵馬樂活行活動預定於2023/11/27(一)上午 08:30辦理,誠摯邀請您共襄盛舉。
1.	本活動為騎乘單車,路程約15公里,活動路線:
    報名網址 : https://rb005.ndhu.edu.tw/p/423-1005-3015.php
 4.若無單車或安全帽者,承辦單位請校外廠商提供租用服務:租用單車(附安全帽)租金200元(實際租金400元,差額200元由學校補助) ,須於11月20日前至出納組或線上繳費系統https://web.ndhu.edu.tw/ga/onlinepay/pay.aspx 完成繳費。
2.集合時間、地點:2023/11/27<一> 08:30時,行政大樓前廣場。
                                                      學務處   敬邀
聯絡人:黃勇程校安 分機6225

Dear students,

Our school's 112th academic year's "Campus Celebration Series Event," known as "Bi Ka Bi Jiao" - the Iron Horse Leisure Activity, is scheduled for November 27(Monday), 2023 at 08:30 AM. We sincerely invite you to join us.

【Participants】 All students of the university (especially recent graduates are encouraged to participate).

【Event Details】
1. This event is a bicycle ride, covering a distance of approximately 15 kilometers. The event route is as follows:
   Administrative Building (Departure at 09:00 AM) - Provincial Highway 11B - Promiseland Starbucks (Rest and group photo from 09:30 AM to 10:10 AM) - Promiseland - Flood Control Road - Administrative Building (End at 11:00 AM).

2. Registration dates and website: (Online registration required)
   Registration period: From now until November 20 (Monday), 2023. Limited to 200 participants; registration will close when full (on-site registration is not possible due to participants requiring travel insurance).
   Registration website: https://rb005.ndhu.edu.tw/p/423-1005-3015.php

3. Participants are required to bring their own bicycles and safety helmets. If you don't have a safety helmet, the school will provide one for borrowing, and the cost will be covered by the school.

4. If you do not have a bicycle or safety helmet, the organizing committee will arrange for rental services from external vendors. Bicycle rental (including a safety helmet) will cost 200 NTD (actual rent 400 NTD, with the school subsidizing the remaining 200 NTD). Payment must be completed by November 20 through the Cashier Division or online payment system at https://web.ndhu.edu.tw/ga/onlinepay/pay.aspx.

【Event Gathering Details】
1. Participants are required to arrive at the service desk by 08:10 AM. Students renting bikes or borrowing helmets must bring their student ID, ID card, or health insurance card to complete the rental process at the parking lot next to the Administrative Building. After the event, return the vehicles and retrieve your documents at the original location. If any damage occurs to the rented bike or helmet during the rental period and is determined to be caused by external factors by the vendor, the borrower will be responsible for repair costs.

2. Assembly time and location: November 27 (Monday), 2023, at 08:30 AM, in front of the Administrative Building plaza.

3. Event Participation Award: Participants completing the entire event will receive an event prize: Starbucks gift voucher (worth 300 NTD).

【Important Notes】
1. Participants must wear safety helmets throughout the event. Before departure, check the front and rear brakes of the bicycle to ensure they are effective.

2. This event is non-competitive; please do not race. There will be staff from the Student Affairs Office providing traffic guidance along the route. If anyone is found not following guidance or significantly falling behind, for safety reasons, the organizing committee may terminate their participation and arrange for transportation back to school.

3. Participants are required to have personal travel insurance before the event (those under 18 years old need to provide the name of a parent/guardian). On-site registration will not be accepted.

4. The organizing committee provides event insurance for this activity. For the sake of safe cycling, participants are kindly requested to follow the instructions of the staff throughout the entire journey.
Office of Student Affairs, Cordially Invites You
Contact Person: Mr. Huang, Campus Safety, Extension 6225

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