分類: 活動公告, 其他公告
來源: 研發處創新育成中心 - 吳其璁 - dci93031@gms.ndhu.edu.tw - 電話03-8903687
對象: 全校教職員_全校教師_全校職員_全校學生
標題: 【學生團隊資訊轉發】11/26 Dwell in Nature月底特別企劃—萬榮野溪溫泉Wanrong Hot Springs
日期: Wed, 15 Nov 2023 11:25:19 +0800

11/26 Dwell in Nature 想邀請大家在天氣稍涼的晚秋跟我們一起前往花蓮縣萬榮鄉的郊山一起泡野溪溫泉♨️🫧
We’d like to invite all of you to join our trip to Wanrong Hot Spring on a beautiful autumn day on November 26th♨️🫧

報名資訊 Registration information  :https://reurl.cc/DoMrYe

Our group member has already checked all the roads for us. The route now seems to be really comfortable to go. If you want to experience river tracing, this trip is for you because there is a river for you to experience the fun of crossing river.

We will also invite a certified myofascial release instructor. She'll bring us a useful lecture. We hope that after this course, we’ll learn to relax our muscles more efficiently,We are really happy to go on an adventure and enjoy the blissfulness of nature together.

【費用 Fee】 (含保險、裝備、教練費、安全防護措施 include insurance, gears, coaches, safety measurement)
1300 NTD

請匯款至 (805) 04300498765256

If you have joined our event before, you get to have 100 NTD discount.
3 friends sign up together can get 100 NTD discount.
Please finish paying before 11/19 for the convenience of counting people and preparation. Thank you🙏🏼 
Please transfer your money to the bank account: (805) 04300498765256

請加Dwell in Nature line 群組https://line.me/ti/g/zXc9u55fm_
我們的聯絡方式Contact us via:
Instagram: @dwell_in.nature
Gmail: dwellin.nature23@gmail.com

【取消&退費機制 Cancellation & Refund】

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