分類: 演講暨研討會
來源: 圖書資訊處圖資服務組 - 何銘俊 - robert@gms.ndhu.edu.tw - 電話6841
對象: 全校教職員_全校學生
標題: 與 Applied Surface Science 期刊主編有約! Make an appointment with the Editor-in-Chief of Applied Surface Science! 
日期: Wed, 11 Oct 2023 10:02:56 +0800
附檔: NDHU Author workshop.html (39 KB)   NDHU.pdf (6 MB)   

主講人:Applied Surface Science 期刊主編 Henrik Rudolph 博士
時間:10 月 18日(三)  2:00-3:30PM
地點:理工二館 第二講堂
        探討書目計量因素(例如 h-index、Impact Factor、CiteScore 等指標)。

Speaker:Dr. Henrik Rudolph, Editor-in-Chief of Applied Surface Science
Topic: How the editorial process works at a large scientific journal - the downside of  "Publish or Perish"
Time: October 18 (Wednesday) 2:00-3:30PM
Venue:Auditorium 2 B101, Science and Engineering Building II
         The behind-the-scenes peer review and editorial decision-making process that submissions to major scientific journals undergo.
         From submission, pre-screening, review to preliminary decision. Responsibilities of authors, editors, and reviewers.
         What are the best journals for your submission and how to improve your chances of success.
         Explore bibliometric factors (e.g. h-index, Impact Factor, CiteScore, etc.).
         What tools (such as ChatGPT) can be used to make your manuscript more smoothly accepted.

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