分類: 演講暨研討會
來源: 圖書資訊處圖資服務組 - 何銘俊 - robert@gms.ndhu.edu.tw - 電話6841
對象: 全校教職員_全校學生
標題: 與 Applied Surface Science 期刊主編有約!Elsevier 將在 10 月 18 於本校舉辦 論文投稿講座
Make an appointment with the Editor-in-Chief of Applied Surface Science! Elsevier will hold a paper submission lecture at our school on October 18 日期: Fri, 22 Sep 2023 11:10:42 +0800 附檔: NDHU Author workshop.html (39 KB)   NDHU.pdf (6 MB)   

與 Applied Surface Science 期刊主編有約!Elsevier 在 10 月 18 舉辦 論文投稿講座,我們特別邀請到 Applied Surface Science 期刊主編 Henrik Rudolph 博士,為大家介紹論文投稿在大型科學期刊中需經歷的幕後同儕審查和編輯決策流程。從投稿、事先篩選、正是審稿到初步決定。我們將討論作者、編輯和審稿者的責任。在講座中,主編也會討論到什麼是最適合您投稿的期刊,以及如何提高您投稿成功的機會。此外還探討書目計量因素(例如 h-index、Impact Factor、CiteScore 等指標),以及您可以使用哪些工具(例如 ChatGPT)讓您的稿件能夠更順利地被接受。

In this presentation we will go through the various editorial steps a scientific publication goes through at a large scientific journal. From the submission, the pre-screening, the review as well as the initial decision process. We will touch on the responsibility of the author, the editor as well as the reviewers. In doing so, we will also discuss what is the best journal for YOUR submission and how to optimize your chances of success. Indirectly we will also touch upon so-called bibliometric factors (such as h-index, Impact Factor, CiteScore, etc.) as well as what tools you are allowed to use in order to have you submission accepted (e.g. ChatGPT).

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