分類: 其他公告
來源: 學務處 - 劉豫海 - lyh7680@gms.ndhu.edu.tw - 電話6228
對象: 全校教職員_全校學生
標題: 【陸上颱風警報】「蘇拉颱風」陸上警報已於本日(29日)17:30發布,請注意!The Central Weather Bureau Typhoon Watch Advisory 【SAOLA】
日期: Tue, 29 Aug 2023 17:41:54 +0800
附檔: 蘇拉颱風路徑圖.png (79 KB)   

駐衛警︰03-8906119     值勤校安︰03-8906995。
~ 學務處關心您 ~

The Central Weather Bureau Typhoon Warning Advisory#9 (SAOLA)
The Central Weather Bureau has issued Typhoon Warning Advisory#6 for Typhoon (KHANUN) as it expected to make landfall within the next few hours. Please immediately make your storm safety preparations and keep a close eye on the path of the storm. Moreover, you should also ensure your personal safety.
Storm Preparation Check-list:
1.Check all doors and windows to make sure they are firm and secure. Ensure that there is no chance for any seepages or leaks to prevail.
2.Check the all the drains and gutters around your dwelling to ensure that there are no blockages.
3.Check your potted plants and other items hanging outside to see if they need to be brought inside. This is to prevent any damages or injuries.
4.In the case of power outage, ensure that you have flashlights, batteries and candles.
5.To prevent hunger and thirst, please prepare ample non-perishable foods like bread, and an ample supply of fresh water.
6.Look out for the possibility of floods and landslides especially if your dwelling is in a low-lying area or on a slope. You may need to consider temporarily relocating to a safety shelter.
7.Take caution to the heavy winds and rains. DO NOT GO OUTSIDE!
8.Always keep updated with any broadcasted typhoon-related information. Whether it may via radio, television, internet or any other available media.
9.For any emergency during the passing of the typhoon you can directly dial at 119 or the campus emergency hotlines: Campus Police at 03-8906119 or Campus Security at 03-8906995
10.The latest on the path of the storm can be accessed at any time on The Central Weather Bureau’s website from the webpage below: : https://www.cwb.gov.tw/V8/C/
~The Student Living Services Division cares about your safety~

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