分類: 課程公告
來源: 國際事務處永續發展組 - 李莉莉 (Li-Li Lee) - sd@gms.ndhu.edu.tw - 電話03-8905120
對象: 全校教師
標題: 【Forwarded 協助轉知】教師研習課程-112 年「 GRI 準則認證暨 ESG 永續報告書實作工作坊」Teacher Course- GRI Standards Certification and ESG Sustainability Reporting Workshop
日期: Mon, 26 Jun 2023 07:17:48 +0800
附檔: 附件1.pdf (122 KB)   

各位老師 大家好,

隨信檢陳國立臺北科技大學辦理之112 年「 GRI 準則認證暨 ESG 永續報告書實作工作坊」教師研習課程如附。有意參加者,煩請您以下列網址報名。謝謝。


Dear faculty members,

We would like to inform you about the upcoming "GRI Standards Certification and ESG Sustainability Reporting Workshop" scheduled for 2023, organized by the National Taipei University of Technology. We have attached the detailed course outline for your reference. 
Should you be interested in participating, we kindly request that you register using the following link:

Registration link: https://forms.gle/cpo7tuUePESUW1nS7

Thank you for your kind attention to this matter.

李莉莉 Li-Li Lee
國立東華大學 國際事務處永續發展組
Sustainable Development Division, Office of International Affairs, National Dong Hwa University

TEL: +886-3-890-5120   
FAX: +886-3-890-0170
Email: sd@gms.ndhu.edu.tw  
Website: https://oia.ndhu.edu.tw/

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