分類: 活動公告
來源: 學務處畢業生及校友服務組 - 溫小姐 - fengting0804@gms.ndhu.edu.tw - 電話6282
對象: 全校教職員_全校教師_全校職員_全校學生_退休教職員_教職員眷屬
標題: 🎉111學年度畢業典禮🎉報名且當日全程參與,享有Apple好禮抽獎資格🎁另有~📣神秘大禮
日期: Fri, 12 May 2023 17:06:25 +0800
附檔: 111學年度畢業典禮網站QR.png (504 B)   iPhone 14 Pro Max.jpg (32 KB)   iPad Air.jpg (79 KB)   iPad mini.jpg (99 KB)   全新HomePod.jpg (74 KB)   

Dear graduating students,

這次的活動時間是在2023年5月27日(星期六)下午4點 🕓️,全校性的畢業典禮就在體育館舉行啦!
The graduation ceremony at National Dong Hwa University is fast approaching, and it's a highly significant and celebratory day! 
The event will take place on May 27, 2023 (Saturday), at 4 PM sharp in the university gymnasium.

你猜猜有什麼獎品🤔? 嘿嘿,有Apple iPhone 14 Pro Max(256G)6.7吋手機一台、Apple iPad Air(64G)平板電腦兩台、Apple iPad mini(64G)平板電腦一台,還有Apple HomePod智慧音箱兩個!這也太誘人了吧!
We sincerely invite you to join us in this long-awaited grand event! Furthermore, we've heard that the university president has specially prepared a super lucky draw for this year's graduates! 
Can you guess what prizes are up for grabs? Hehe, they include one Apple iPhone 14 Pro Max (256G) with a 6.7-inch display, two Apple iPad Airs (64G) tablets, one Apple iPad mini (64G) tablet, and two Apple HomePod smart speakers! It's incredibly tempting, isn't it?

⭐️更重要的是,還有神秘大獎🎁等著你在現場抽獎 ,想知道是什麼嗎?就一定要要來現場參與!

What's more, there is a mysterious prize waiting for you to draw on the spot. Do you want to know what it is? Just be sure to come and participate!
By the way, this lucky draw is only for this year's graduates! So you must sign up quickly, and come to the scene to participate in the graduation ceremony in person on the same day to have a chance to draw and receive prizes! Don't forget to register in advance, the registration deadline is about to expire! 5/15 at 12 noon.

💥Move your fingers quickly and click the link below to sign up:

📌【111th Graduation Ceremony】Dedicated Webpage Information, Providing All Relevant Details of the Graduation Ceremony. Feel free to browse.
website: http://reurl.cc/MR5MYp

jpg、png、gif、pdf 附檔縮圖(pdf 只顯示第一頁):


iPhone 14 Pro Max.jpg

iPad Air.jpg

iPad mini.jpg


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