分類: 活動公告
來源: 國際事務處國際學生組 - 林佩寬 - issa@gms.ndhu.edu.tw - 電話(03)890-5118
對象: 全校教職員_全校學生
標題: 【活動+報名】缺鯢不可《山椒魚來了》東華特映會  【Registration】NDHU Special Screening: Good Morni MIT
日期: Mon, 6 Mar 2023 15:39:37 +0800
附檔: 山椒魚來了(已加logoV1).jpg (379 KB)   

// 英文版說明於中文版後 English version follows the Chinese version. //



時間:3月29日(週三) 18:00-21:00
地點:花蓮新天堂樂園 威秀影城4F
17:50 - 18:05 入場
18:06 - 20:00 影片放映 
20:01 - 21:00 映後座談 / 與談人:鄭勝文、林祐竹 山椒魚計畫之研究助理 (英譯者:童泰力先生)


➤ 受限座位席次,報名成功不表示可劃位、取票。
➤ 活動當日將採對號入座,且每張票卷僅限1人使用。未取得票卷或當日忘記帶票卷,請恕無法受理入場。
➤ 3月15日收到國際事務處換票通知信後,請3月20日至3月22日之間 (9:00-12:00、13:00-17:00)至行政大樓6樓國際事務處劃位、取票。謝謝。

國際學生組 佩寬 (issa@gms.ndhu.edu.tw)
永續發展組 莉莉 (sd@gms.ndhu.edu.tw)

Dear all,

On this small island of Taiwan, there is a unique creature living in a cold environment, known as the “smiling elf of the mountains”- the Salamanders. Global warming, habitat fragmentation, and human waste and pollution have had an impact on the salamanders’ environment. In order to raise awareness about the five species of salamander in Taiwan and the challenges they face, National Dong Hwa University is organizing the “Special Screening: Good Morni MIT” plastic-free film screening and post-screening forum. The event will feature two research assistants, Sheng-Wun Jheng, and You-Zhu Lin, who will share their experiences searching for salamanders and exchange conservation ideas with the audience.

Venue: Vieshow Cinemas Hualien Paradiso 4F
Date: 18:00-21:00, 29th March 2023 (Wed.)

17:50-18:05 Admission
18:06-20:00 Film Screening
20:01-21:00 Post-screening Discussion
Guest Speakers: Sheng-Wun Jheng and You-Zhu Lin, Research assistants of Taiwan salamanders (English Translator: Taili Tung)

Registration Link: https://forms.gle/Ev75RpKs92LDmxyt7

➤ Successful registration does not guarantee a reserved seat due to limited seating capacity.
➤ Admission will be granted based on seat number, and one person can only use each ticket. No admission will be granted without a ticket or in case of forgetting the ticket on the day of the event.
➤ After receiving the confirmation letter from the Office of International Affairs (OIA) on March 15th, please go to the OIA on the 6th floor of the Administration Building to reserve and pick up your ticket during March 20th – March 22nd (9:00-12:00、13:00-17:00). Thank you very much for your cooperation.

International Students Division (issa@gms.ndhu.edu.tw), Pei-Kuan Lin
Sustainable Development Division (sd@gms.ndhu.edu.tw), Li-Li Lee

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