分類: 課程公告
來源: 教務處課務組 - 課務組 - course@gms.ndhu.edu.tw - 電話6122-6126
對象: 全校學生
標題: 【課務組公告】111-2學期選課相關公告Announcement about 111-2 courses selection 
日期: Fri, 10 Feb 2023 12:15:13 +0800



The list for your preliminary course selection has been made.
Please carefully check whether your selected courses are on the list.
Course selection system

   The schedule for the course selection is as follows.
   Please notice the periods for each event. 

1.退選時間:2月13日中午12:30至 2月14日中午12:30止
  Drop courses before course add/drop:12:30pm Feb 13 - 12:30pm Feb 14.
2.加退選時間:2月14日中午12:30至 2月21日中午12:30止
  Courses add/drop online:12:30pm Feb 14 - 12:30pm Feb 21.
3.加簽時間:2月23日上午08:00至 3月7日晚上23:59止
  Add course requests:08:00am Feb 23 - 23:59pm Mar 7.
4.加選學分費繳費:3月28日 至 4月12日止
  Payment for extra credits fee due to add course:Mar 28 - Apr 12.

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