分類: 行政公告
來源: 國際事務處國際合作組 - 黃馨逸 - ice@gms.ndhu.edu.tw - 電話5107
對象: 全校教師
標題: 【教師國際交流】韓國Chonnam National University徵求暑期客座教師
日期: Mon, 14 Nov 2022 14:37:55 +0800

本校韓國姊妹校全南國立大學,將於明年夏天辦理2023 CNU International Summer Session,欲邀請各國學者參與教學,因此來信請本校推薦教師申請。

  Teaching Period: June 23 - July 20, 2023  (The program dates are subject to change.)
  Teaching hours: 45 hours (3 hrs a day 09:00-12:00 or 13:30-16:30 on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday)
  Medium of class: English
  Class setup: Mixture of Korean and international students  
  Class size: between 10 to 40 (minimum 10 students)
  Course topic: General courses are preferable to attract more students.
  Qualification: Doctoral degree with three (3) year full-time teaching experience
  Financial support
- Honorarium: US$3,000
- Accommodation support: Guest house on campus or 1,000,000 KRW stipend
- Air fare support: US$1,000 for those from Asia and US$2,000 from outside of Asia

歡迎有興趣申請之教師,於11/23前將以下資訊email至國際處國合組( ice@gms.ndhu.edu.tw ),國際處俾以提供名單予姊妹校,後續申請資訊將由姊妹校聯繫通知。

1.	中文姓名
2.	英文姓名(同護照)
3.	所屬系所
4.	Email

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