分類: 行政公告
來源: 總務處環境保護組 - 邱健榮 - janus@gms.ndhu.edu.tw - 電話6393
對象: 全校教職員_全校學生
標題: 校園內遇流浪犬請保持距離並禁止餵食公告。
日期: Tue, 25 Oct 2022 09:52:53 +0800

一、 近來環保組接獲反映,宿舍區周圍發現無主流浪犬逗留,並有跟隨、吠叫甚至咬傷師生情形,本校已派員加強周邊巡檢,並放置誘捕籠誘捕,如於校內有發現流浪犬,為維護安全,請勿靠近並保持距離。
二、 校園常有疑似餵養無主流浪犬情形,因流浪犬經餵食後認定該區域為覓食點,進而常駐於本校區,衍生衛生及環境問題,甚而危及人身安全,故本校除環保組與學校犬隻社團成員外,其他人員一律禁止餵食校園內犬隻(含校犬)。
三、 若於本校宿舍區內發現疑似無主流浪犬或非配戴綠色項圈校犬,得連絡管理員進行驅趕或通報環保組處理,其他區域則通報環保組,並請即拍攝照片註記發現地點,記錄毛色、體型或性別等特徵,利於後續追蹤處理。
四、 總務處環保組聯絡資訊:

                                     總務處-環境保護組 敬啟

Please keep a distance from stray dogs on campus and do not feed.

1. Unattended stray dogs were found around the dormitory area, following, barking and even biting students and faculty.
2. There are often suspected cases of feeding stray dogs on campus, because after feeding the dogs, they recognize the area as a feeding spot and often reside in the school area, causing hygiene and environmental problems and threatening personal safety.
3. If you find a stray dog or a dog with a green collar in the dormitory area, please contact the administrator to drive it away or report it to the Environmental Protection Section for action, and take photos, record the location, coat color, size or sex, etc. to facilitate follow-up.
4. Contact information for the Environmental Protection Section of the General Affairs Office:
(E-mail: janus@gms.ndhu.edu.tw)

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