分類: 其他公告
來源: 通識教育中心 - 李睿芬 - fen19@gms.ndhu.edu.tw - 電話6602
對象: 全校學生
標題: 111-1校核心通識課程(EMI課程)「跨域學習:科技、環境及國際議題探討」,歡迎同學踴躍選修!
日期: Tue, 30 Aug 2022 13:37:39 +0800

近年跨領域的知識課程琳瑯滿目,但你有想過能在同一門課當中,獲取新興科技、國際議題及走勢甚至是土木工程技術的相關知識嗎?本課程將由本校的五大梁柱來帶領同學們進入多項專業領域,並進行特定議題的思辨與探討,你還在等甚麼? 快到選課系統進行選課、跳上我們前往跨領域的列車吧! 我們將於9/15起的每周四13:10-15:00從圖資中心PC2準時發車!

Interdisciplinary Lectures: Science, Environmental and International Issues

1.	課程簡介Course introduction +Overview of the European Integration and the EU’s Governance Crisis in the past decade
2.	The EU, Asia and questions of Identity, Power, and Influence
3.	EU Economic Diplomacy and Strategic Relations with Russia
4.	Modern Telecommunications
5.	From Internet on Everything to Big Data
6.	Lifelong learning for lifetime preparation
7.	期中考Mid-term exam
8.	The latest development of civil engineers
9.	The sustainable characteristic of civil engineers
10.	The well-solved cases to aim for the introduction of the civil engineers
11.	Artificial Intelligence and Its Applications
12.	Research and Applications of Image Processing
13.	Emerging Artificial Intelligence
14.	期中考Mid-term exam
15.	Application of 2D layered materials: Spintronics and Quantum Science
16.	畢業即失業?Z世代不可不知的職場菜鳥求生術Graduating means unemployment? The "Must Know" Rookie survival skills
17.	打造個人品牌Creating Personal Brand
18.	翻轉Z世代!大學生也能成為改變台灣的契機Reversing Z Generation! College students can be the "change" of Taiwan


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