分類: 行政公告
來源: 總務處環境保護組 - 邱健榮 - janus@gms.ndhu.edu.tw - 電話6393
對象: 全校教職員_全校學生
標題: 進入校園寵物應繫繩並禁止餵食校園犬隻公告。Please keep your pet on a leash when you enter the campus and don't feed campus dogs.
日期: Mon, 16 May 2022 09:40:20 +0800

一、 近來環保組接獲反映,因不明人士攜犬隻進入校區未繫牽繩導致犬隻突發攻擊本校人員事件,特此重聲除了校犬之外,無圈繩犬隻均視同流浪犬,將依本校校園犬隻管理準則第三條規定報請相關主管機關捕捉移置。
二、 校園常有疑似餵養無主流浪犬情形,因流浪犬經餵食後認定該區域為覓食點,進而常駐於本校區,衍生衛生及環境問題,並恐危及人身安全,故本校除承辦單位或學校社團成員外,其餘人員禁止擅自餵食校園內犬隻(含校犬)。
三、 若於本校區內發現疑似無主流浪犬或非配戴綠色項圈校犬,請即拍攝照片、發現地點、記錄毛色、體型或性別等資訊,通報總務處環保組處理。
四、 總務處環保組聯絡資訊:

 總務處-環境保護組 敬啟
1. Recently, the Environmental Protection Section received reports of unidentified individuals bringing dogs onto campus without leashes, which resulted in the dogs suddenly attacking nearby staff and students. If you bring a dog into the campus, please do not leave it on campus. Violators will be reported to the relevant authorities for capture and relocation in accordance with Article 3 of the University's Guidelines for the Management of Campus Dogs.
2. There are often suspected cases of feeding stray dogs on campus. Because stray dogs, after being fed, recognize the area as a feeding spot and often reside in the school area, causing hygiene and environmental problems and threatening personal safety, the school prohibits the unauthorized feeding of dogs (including school dogs) on campus except for staff or clubs.
3. If you find a suspected stray dog or a non-school dog in the school area, please take photos, information such as location, coat color, size and gender, and report to the Environmental Protection Section, General Affairs Office.
(E-mail: janus@gms.ndhu.edu.tw)

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