分類: 其他公告
來源: 國際事務處永續發展組 - 李莉莉 (Li-Li Lee) - sd@gms.ndhu.edu.tw - 電話03-8905120
對象: 全校教職員_全校學生_系所助理_兼任教師_退休教職員_校友_教職員眷屬
標題: 2020 東華永續報告書已公告 The 2020 NDHU Sustainability Report Had Been Released
日期: Tue, 28 Dec 2021 17:08:12 +0800




祝 新年快樂。

Dear all,

The university had compiled the 2020 NDHU Sustainability Report, both written in Chinese and English. If you are interested in the sustainable development performance of NDHU in the year of 2020, please click the Chinese version or English version after filling out the questionnaire. Thank you very much.

The link for downloading the 2020 NDHU Sustainability Report

Wish you a happy New Year.

李莉莉 Li-Li Lee
國立東華大學 國際事務處永續發展組
Sustainable Development Division, Office of International Affairs, National Dong Hwa University

TEL: +886-3-890-5120   
FAX: +886-3-890-0170
Email: sd@gms.ndhu.edu.tw  
Website: https://oia.ndhu.edu.tw/

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