分類: 行政公告, 其他公告 來源: 學務處 - 黃勇程 - victor0903@gms.ndhu.edu.tw - 電話8906216 對象: 全校教師_全校學生 標題: 【住宿安全】請於校外賃居或住宿同學注意門戶安全【Safety Reminder】Attention to Portal Security,please. 日期: Mon, 13 Dec 2021 09:23:38 +0800
親愛的同學們大家好: 接獲教育部通報,近來部分大專校院周圍及學生賃居處所有校外人士干擾學生情事。 學務處特別提醒於校外賃居或住宿同學應隨時注意門戶安全,出入大門應隨手關(鎖)門與保持逃生通道暢通;同時也要注意可疑份子,若有可疑徵候或有危險緊急之狀況,請儘速與警方或校安中心聯繫,以杜絕突發意外事件肇生。 緊急狀況報案電話:110 志學派出所聯絡電話:038661282 校安中心聯絡專線:0937295995 學務處生活輔導組關心您! Dear all, According to several recent incidents of people breaking into rented student residences. We remind everyone ensure the safety of your residence and neighborhood. Always lock the doors and keep the emergency exits free of obstruction. In addition, watch out for any unfamiliar people and strangers in your neighborhood. If you notice anything suspicious, please notify the police or security personnel using the number stated below. Emergency report phone::110 Zhixue Police Station Contact Number: 038661282 School Safety Center Contact Line: 0937-295995 Office of Student Affairs Guidance Section concerned about your life