分類: 其他公告
來源: 原住民族國際事務中心 - 陳思妤 - weiweiwu@gms.ndhu.edu.tw - 電話03-8905710
對象: 全校教職員
標題: 包䒟娜教授的茶話時光  “Tea & Talk” with Prof. Dana Powell
日期: Wed, 1 Dec 2021 10:35:45 +0800
附檔: Dana_Tea_Time.jpg (885 KB)   

原住⺠⺠族學院國際事務中⼼的科技部客座副教授包䒟娜 Dana E. Powell 的茶敘時間來囉!包教授是美國籍⽂化⼈類學者,研究專長領域是原住⺠族環境正義, 歡迎前往網站www.danapowell.net 查看更多資訊。本學期起每週四,包老師歡迎大家前往他研究室聊聊,美國文化與生活、學術與研究,什麼都可以聊喔!如果有興趣的話,下學期包教授將在原⺠院與環境學院開設全英語授課之族群研究特論(原⺠院博⼠班)環境正義課程(環境學院碩⼠班),歡迎修課。

「不論是想要練習英⽂、聊課業、 談研究、討論美國留學、還是⽂化交流,都歡迎同學們帶著輕鬆的⼼情,到包教授的研究室坐坐,她也很希望和同學們聊聊天,透過大家來認識花蓮、認識台灣。」

時間:週四下午 2:30 – 4:30 (或是email danapowell@gms.NDHU.rdu.tw 另約時間)

Dana Powell is MOST Visiting Associate Professor in the Center for International Indigenous Affairs. Powell is a cultural anthropologist, with teaching and research focus on Indigenous Peoples, environmental justice, energy ethics, land rights, and relationships with the environment. For more on her projects, please see: www.danapowell.net . Every Thursday welcome to Tea & Talk. Look for Prof. Powell’s graduate-level course in the Spring 2022 semester: “Environmental Justice,” offered by CIS and CES.

“Whether you would like to practice English, chat about classes, discuss research, or learn about studying abroad in the U.S., please feel free to come by my office for a casual exchange. I look forward to chatting with students to learn more about NDHU, Hualien, and Taiwan. All students are welcome.” 

Language: English
Location: CIS Building A, 4th Floor, Office A438
Time: Thursday afternoon: 14:30-16:30 (Or other times by appointment, at:  danapowell@gms.NDHU.rdu.tw )

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