分類: 行政公告
來源: 總務處事務組 - 陳俐穎 - aspen@gms.ndhu.edu.tw - 電話6320/6237
對象: 全校教職員_全校學生
標題: 本校110學年度車輛識別證申辦(第2次公告) Academic Year 2021–2022 Vehicle Permit Application
日期: Thu, 2 Sep 2021 10:42:27 +0800

1. 請登入校園車輛管理系統並填寫車輛資料,系統網址: https://web.ndhu.edu.tw/GA/TSVMS/VPass/Login.aspx 。
2. 大學部一年級新生除車輛資料外,須由家長簽署同意書後拍照上傳至系統,並應於開學期間參加學務處「初領車證新生交通安全宣導活動」取得時數。
3. 車輛識別證系統開放申請時間自即日起至本(110)年9月24日23時止。

1. 收費標準:本校教職員工生汽車識別證一學年每輛收費400元,機車、電動機車、自行車識別證免收費。
2. 繳費方式:汽車車證費用個人可於系統申請線上轉帳或下載超商/銀行繳費單;由各單位窗口統一繳費時,請窗口於車證系統列印名冊後至臺企銀繳費,並將白色收據聯連同名冊繳至行政大樓103室。

1. 本校教職員及舊生預計於本年9月29日統一發送至各單位,敬請協助轉發。
2. 大一新生待取得學務處交通安全宣導活動時數後,另行發送。

二、未及於上述系統開放時間申請者,請自10月6日起攜帶學生證、行照(大學部新生需繳交家長同意書) 至總務處事務組(行政大樓103室)臨櫃申辦並現場領證。


總務處事務組  敬啟

1. All faculty, staff and students are eligible to apply for annual on-campus vehicle permits. The types of vehicles allowed for registration are bicycle/electric bicycle, scooter/electric scooter and cars.

2. To add, view, or edit vehicle information, please visit the webpage below.
    NDHU campus vehicle management system: https://web.ndhu.edu.tw/GA/TSVMS/VPASS/Login.aspx.
    The online registration is available from 1st August to 24th September.

3. All freshmen, who would like to apply for scooter or car permits, must attend the driver safety train-ing course arranged by Office of Student Affairs during the first month of new semester, upload parents’ agreement to the vehicle management system as well. Download agreement here: Form 3-5.

4. Any car or scooter driven and parked on-campus by any student, faculty or staff must be insured, with a valid license, registered with the Campus Security, and bear a valid National Dong Hwa Uni-versity parking permit sticker. The stickers can be acquired after 6th October from the Information Desk at the General Services Division located on Room 103 (1st floor) of the Administration Building.

5. A registration fee of NT$400 per car will be charged, and is non-refundable. All vehicle parking stickers except cars are free to apply.

6. The completion of the vehicle registration clearly indicates that the vehicle owner has read and understood the Regulation of National Dong Hwa University Vehicle Management. Failure to comply with the regulations in question, and any other vehicle regulation posted will result in a violation order and an extra charge.

7. The parking stickers should be placed where it is clearly visible to the campus security officers. If a registered vehicle is sold or traded for another vehicle, the original sticker needs to be removed and delivered back to the Information Desk at the General Affairs Division.

8. Each registered vehicle owner/operator is responsible for maintaining proper insurance coverage to protect his/her vehicle from possible damages, such as vandalism, theft and acts of nature. National Dong Hwa University is not responsible for any of the abovementioned damages while a vehicle is driven or parked on-campus.

9. Any further questions, please let us know. Our email address: traffic@gms.ndhu.edu.tw.
 General Services Division, Office of General Affairs

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