分類: 課程公告 來源: 體育中心 - James C. S. Chuang - james@gms.ndhu.edu.tw - 電話890-6613 對象: 大四以上_系所助理 標題: Notice of on-line physical fitness test for Dong Hwa’s graduates of semester 109-2 日期: Mon, 31 May 2021 10:23:47 +0800
In response to severe special contagious pandemic (COVID-19) raising alert, Physical Education Center provides an alternative on-line physical fitness test on Dong Hwa E-learning platform exclusively for graduates of semester 109-2, who have yet to pass the aforementioned test to be qualified for graduation. Please log on to E-learning website as follows: http://www.elearn.ndhu.edu.tw/moodle/index.php Course name: on-line physical fitness test for graduates of 109-2 semester After having viewed the film, please pick the correct answer from each of 20 multiple choice questions. Those who score 70 grades and hand in 500 ~ 1000 characters’ review report are deemed to pass the exam. This on-line physical fitness test is exclusively designed for graduates of 109-2 semester, who have yet to pass the exam for graduation. Effective date: with immediate effect up to June. 14 (Mon), 2021