分類: 行政公告 來源: 徐副校長室 - 何俐眞 - janehl@gms.ndhu.edu.tw - 電話6305 對象: 全校教職員 標題: NDHU 110/05/18 Epidemic Prevention Announcement 日期: Tue, 18 May 2021 21:19:57 +0800
On May 18, the Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) announced that it will introduce online learning for all tertiary institutions in Taiwan. Online teaching is a formal course, following the principle that not to make up for classes during the summer vacation. Since May 17, the school has adopted a comprehensive online course, and other relevant norms as follows : 1. Principles of laboratory use Close the research room (laboratory) unless there are special circumstances, all gatherings involving over 5 people indoors are suspended. Every teaching unit should use epidemic prevention measures, related restrictions and measures. 2. Student accommodation control measures (1) Please stay in the dormitory as far as possible, do not move as the principle, avoiding the high-risk or cross-counties move. (2) People in dorms are prohibited from communicating with each other, do not go to other people's places, and must maintain 5 people below. (3) Please clean the bedroom, open the window ventilation, wash your hands frequently every day. (4) Reduce going out, if you need to step out, please wear a mask all the time, and wash your hands frequently. (5) In principle, delivery and takeaway are necessary, required disinfection of the hands before and after the meal. Shopping that purchased in batches or on behalf of others is the best. (6) Take your temperature measurements in the morning and evening. If you have a fever or respiratory symptoms, go to the hospital immediately and inform the school actively. (7) During the stay, the residents shall follow the prevention policies in the dormitory explicitly. 3. Stop all indoor gatherings of more than 5 people. Such as a meeting. 4. All campus catering outlets are currently offering a takeaway service only since 18th, May. National Dong Hwa University Epidemic Prevention Team Regards