分類: 行政公告
來源: 學務處衛生保健組 - 王惠貞 - labi@gms.ndhu.edu.tw - 電話8906253
對象: 全校教職員_全校學生_兼任教師_退休教職員_校友_教職員眷屬
標題: 【Campus Pandemic prevention announcement】The school request everybody to strictly observe the following pandemic prevention guidelines. 
日期: Mon, 17 May 2021 09:05:53 +0800

The school will teach you how to protect yourself during the pandemic.
Here are the following guidelines.
1.Avoid going to public areas, hospitals, and gathering activities.
2.Wash hands regularly (Soap is cheap and very useful)
3.Always wear your mask while outside.
4.If it is not necessary, please do not travel to other counties/cities or abroad
5.Please monitor your temperature during the day and night.
6.Drink more water (stay hydrated).
7.keep a balanced diet and boost your immune system.
8.Exercising outdoors in open areas (while indoors please maintain social distancing).
9.If you have a fever or any other respiratory tract symptoms. Please report to the school's special website for epidemic prevention, The University health center will have a specially-assigned person to help and care for you.
Site: (https://web.ndhu.edu.tw/SA/COVID-19_N14D/Login.aspx?lang=tw)
10.Pandemic Information Hotline: 
For working hours (8:00-17:00) ,Phone:03-8906253 Health Center Nurse Wang Huizhen.
For non-working hours please contact the campus security office 0937-295995/ 03-890699511.

11.Please download the official Taiwan CDC social distancing app. It can detect if there are any nearby cases, the more people download the app, the safer it is.
Please watch the promotional video for the Taiwan CDC social distancing app 
Taiwan AI Labs founder Ethan Tu – 5 guidelines for using the app

♦️There will be no need to upload your personal data, this eliminated concerns over privacy.
♦️When using the app, the app will generate a hash value (random code) every 10-20 minutes, when interacting with other device/users, it will scan for the random IDs near you while recording the length of interaction and distance.
♦️Only data from the past 14 days will be stored on your device. 
♦️The app will update every 4 hours. The app will automatically compare the history.
♦️Users who have been in contact with someone with COIVD-19 within 2 meters or for more than 2 minutes, will be reminded to pay attention to his/her health and contact the pandemic prevention unit.



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