分類: 課程公告, 招生公告
來源: 教務處課務組 - 宋育縈 - suz@gms.ndhu.edu.tw - 電話03-8906126
對象: 大一_大二_大三_大四以上
標題: [Curriculum Affairs Division] 2021 Summer Course (Online course selection ) 
日期: Thu, 13 May 2021 14:03:47 +0800
附檔: NDHU 2021 Summer Class Program [Class Schedule].pdf (167 KB)   

        2021 Summer Course [Online course selection]

1.	Course selection period: Now until 110/05/25 (Tuesday).
2.	Course selection method: Online, using university gms email to sign in,
        website link: https://reurl.cc/rnaGE 
3.	Announcement about course start date and payment information: 
       110/06/01 (Tuesday). 
4.	Standard  of  summer  course  credit  fee  can  be  found  on:
5.	Important remarks:
   I.	Students are not allowed to select more than three (3) course subjects. Please check
        the crosscheck the class time to avoid schedule clash. Elective course subjects that
        clash with another are compulsory for withdrawal. 
  II.	Payments for summer courses are non-refundable. Unless the course subject is
       cancelled (due to insufficient enrolment) or students select own faculty’s  course 
     subjects, students are allowed to get refunds within two (2) weeks after summer course
 III.	Minimum 18 pax/class for Bachelor student course as mentioned in the school
       regulation, it will be cancelled if enrolment is insufficient. If the subject has to be 
       opened under insufficient enrolment, its expenditure will have to be handled by the
       students who enrol to this subject. 
 IV.	Students who are suspended or under withdrawal status are not allowed to enrol
        summer course.
6.	Summer course registration details as attached.  

                            Curriculum Affairs Division, Academic Affairs Office

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NDHU 2021 Summer Class Program [Class Schedule].pdf

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