分類: 其他公告
來源: 學務處 - 莊欽吉 - jcc8344220@gms.ndhu.edu.tw - 電話6222
對象: 全校教師_全校學生_系所助理
標題: 【交通安全宣導】110年寒假交通安全宣導注意事項 Reminder of traffic safety during winter vacation
日期: Tue, 19 Jan 2021 11:59:36 +0800






祝福大家    平安順利每一天


Reminder of traffic safety during winter vacation
Dear fellow students,
Please be aware of trafficsafety during summervacation.

I. Please comply with4 rulesof Traffic Safety  :
(1) Make sure other drivers could see you, and vice versa.
(2) Pay attention to road conditions,and reserve a safe space for driving.
(3) Be altruisticand do not impede others.
(4) Never Drunk driving,and ” Maximum speed limit is 30 kms/hr “on campus.

II. Traffic Safety-bike riding:
(1) Wear a helmet
(2) Assure motor bike readiness
(3) Yield to pedestrians
(4) Obey all traffic laws and lights
(5) Do hook-turnsin designated crossroads

Do not:
(1) Use a cellphone while riding
(2) Ride on pedestrian crossing
(4) Operate any kind of dangerous driving
(5) Carry any back-seater

III.Traffic Safety-motorbike riding:
(1) Wear a helmet
(2) Assure motorbike readiness
(3) Yield to pedestrians
(4) Obey all traffic laws and lights
(5) Do hook-turnsin designated crossroads
(6) Keep the headlights on always

Do not:
(1) Use a cellphone while riding
(2) Ride under the influence of alcohol
(3) Ride on crosswalk
(4) Operate any kind of dangerous driving
(5) Ride without a license
(6) Lend your motorcycle to whoeverwithout a license
(7) Drive parallel to or near large vehicles while making a turn

IV:Traffic Safety-pedestrians:
(1) Obey all traffic laws and lightsand follow instructions of the police
(2) Wear light colored clothes 
(3) Allow enough time whilecrossing a road

Do not:
(1) Jaywalk
(2) pass through the median island 
(3) Run the red light

Wishing you all the best for every tomorrow.

Your safety, Our delight!

Student Living Services Division
Office of Student Affairs

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