分類: 其他公告 來源: 學務處 - 莊欽吉 - jcc8344220@gms.ndhu.edu.tw - 電話6222 對象: 全校教師_全校學生_系所助理 標題: 【交通安全宣導】110年寒假交通安全宣導注意事項 Reminder of traffic safety during winter vacation 日期: Tue, 19 Jan 2021 11:59:36 +0800
親愛的同學大家好: 寒假期間提醒以下交通安全注意事項,敬請同學遵守: 一、請切實遵守交通安全教育4項守則: (一)你看得見我,我看得見你。 (二)注意路況及預留行車安全空間。 (三)利他的用路觀,不影響別人的安全。 (四)禁止酒後開車或騎車,並遵守校內行車速限30公里之規定。 二、自行車道路安全: (一)請配戴自行車安全帽。 (二)行進間勿以手持方式使用行動電話。 (三)全天開車燈 (四)保持自行車安全設備良好與完整,不可附載坐人。 (五)人車共道請禮讓行人優先通行。 (六)行人穿越道上不能騎自行車,請下車牽車。 (七)依標誌標線號誌指示行駛。 (八)依規定兩段式左(右)轉。 (九)行駛時,不得爭先、爭道、並行競駛或以其他危險方式駕駛。 (十)遵守行車秩序規範。 三、機車安全: (一)請正確配戴安全帽。 (二)全天開頭燈 (三)路口禮讓行人。 (四)勿酒後騎車。 (五)行車時勿當低頭族。 (六)勿以手持方式使用行動電話。 (七)勿任意變換車道。 (八)勿無照騎車。 (九)禁止飆車。 (十)不疲勞駕駛。 (十一)勿將機車借給無適當駕照的人。 (十二)大型車轉彎半徑大並有視覺死角,避免過於靠近行駛於大型車前或併行,以維護生命安全。 四、行人(含長者)道路安全: (一)穿越道路時請遵守交通號誌指示或警察之指揮。 (二)不任意穿越車道、闖紅燈。 (三)不任意跨越護欄及安全島。 (四)不侵犯車輛通行的路權。 (五)穿著亮色及有反光的衣服。 (六)在安全路口通過道路。 (七)預留充足的時間,勿與沒耐性的駕駛人搶道。 祝福大家 平安順利每一天 您平安,學務處開心! Reminder of traffic safety during winter vacation Dear fellow students, Please be aware of trafficsafety during summervacation. I. Please comply with4 rulesof Traffic Safety : (1) Make sure other drivers could see you, and vice versa. (2) Pay attention to road conditions,and reserve a safe space for driving. (3) Be altruisticand do not impede others. (4) Never Drunk driving,and ” Maximum speed limit is 30 kms/hr “on campus. II. Traffic Safety-bike riding: Do: (1) Wear a helmet (2) Assure motor bike readiness (3) Yield to pedestrians (4) Obey all traffic laws and lights (5) Do hook-turnsin designated crossroads Do not: (1) Use a cellphone while riding (2) Ride on pedestrian crossing (4) Operate any kind of dangerous driving (5) Carry any back-seater III.Traffic Safety-motorbike riding: Do: (1) Wear a helmet (2) Assure motorbike readiness (3) Yield to pedestrians (4) Obey all traffic laws and lights (5) Do hook-turnsin designated crossroads (6) Keep the headlights on always Do not: (1) Use a cellphone while riding (2) Ride under the influence of alcohol (3) Ride on crosswalk (4) Operate any kind of dangerous driving (5) Ride without a license (6) Lend your motorcycle to whoeverwithout a license (7) Drive parallel to or near large vehicles while making a turn IV:Traffic Safety-pedestrians: Do (1) Obey all traffic laws and lightsand follow instructions of the police (2) Wear light colored clothes (3) Allow enough time whilecrossing a road Do not: (1) Jaywalk (2) pass through the median island (3) Run the red light Wishing you all the best for every tomorrow. Your safety, Our delight! Sincerely, Student Living Services Division Office of Student Affairs