分類: 其他公告
來源: 學務處 - 莊欽吉 - jcc8344220@gms.ndhu.edu.tw - 電話6222
對象: 全校教師_全校學生_系所助理
標題: 【109-1安全宣導】期末考試期間切勿疲勞駕駛,宿舍搬遷勿將行李放置前座,校內行車速限30公里。【Safety Reminder】 Stay safe during final exam weeks. Maximum speed limit 30 kms/hr on campus.
日期: Fri, 8 Jan 2021 10:29:05 +0800
附檔: 減速慢行.png (15 KB)   

親愛的師長及同學們: 在期末考試及宿舍搬遷期間較容易發生因疲勞駕駛、精神不濟及操控不慎等因素之校內(外)交通事故。 提醒同學們以下交通安全注意事項: 一、禁止酒後開車或騎車,並遵守校內行車速限30公里之規定。 二、校內教學區禁行機車,請勿駛入。 三、切勿疲勞駕駛,【累了;就休息一下,再上路】;確保安全。 四、行進間專心駕駛,請勿接(撥)手機或通訊器材。 五、騎腳踏車時切忌雙載、單手駕馭(提物、撐傘、接撥手機等)、併排行進、逆向行駛等危險行為; 六、行車期間請開大燈及加裝反光設備。 七、外環道、T字路、停車棚出(入)口,務必減速慢行,並留心對(他)向來車避讓。 八、下雨天及深夜避免外出,如需在雨天及夜間外出騎機車時,請穿著鮮明外套。 九、同學於宿舍搬遷時,請勿將過重行李放置前座,以免轉彎時操控不慎摔車。 安全第一 您平安,學務處開心! 學務處生活輔導組關心您 Dear faculty, staff, and students, Traffic accidents due to driving fatigue usually increase during the weeks of final exams and dormitory relocation.We’d like to kindly remind you not to drive if you are physically or mentally exhausted. Safety Reminder: 1. Never Drunk driving,and ” Maximum speed limit is 30 kms/hr “on campus. 2.Do not ride motorcycles into the teaching area. 3.Do not drive with fatigue.Take a rest before driving when you are tired. 4. Focus on the vehicles and do not use cellphones. 5.Do not carry backseat passenger on bicycles, or ride with one hand (at the same time holding umbrellas, answering phones… etc.) Do not ride side by side with other bikes or wrong-way riding. 6. Please turn on the light when riding at night. 7. When passing outer ring-road, T intersection, entrance of the parking lots , etc. please slow down, and watch out for other vehicles. 8.Wear a safety vest if you have to drive during the night-time(or rainy day) 9.Please do not put excessive luggage on bike or motorcycle to avoid traffic accident when moving to difference dormitory. Safety always comes first. Your safety, Our delight!. Sincerely, Student Living Services Division, Office of Student Affairs
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