分類: 行政公告
來源: 學務處 - 余惠真 - nacy4631@gms.ndhu.edu.tw - 電話03-8906212
對象: 全校學生_大二_大三_大四以上_碩士生_博士生
標題: 【學生宿舍】109年暑期住宿保證金結算公告暨複查作業【Student Dormitory】2020 The Result Of Summer Vacation Dormitory Deposit 
日期: Mon, 14 Sep 2020 13:14:33 +0800
附檔: 住宿保證金複查表Student_Dormitory_Accommodation_Guarantee_Application_Form0925.doc (44 KB)   

2.同學如對109年暑期電費、檢查扣罰等保證金結算有疑慮,請於2020/09/18(五) 前填寫保證金複查表經宿舍管理員複查確認後交至生輔組辦理,如未按時提出或提出後查證無誤,將依本公佈結果辦理。
業務承辦人:學務處生輔組   余助理,聯絡電話:03-8906212
Dear All,
1.	2020 Results of Summer Dormitory Deposits have been announced. Please check online.
2. If you have any questions regarding the deposit deduction for the electricity fees and penalty fees, please fill in the form of deposit reassessment and seek reconfirmation from the dorm manager before handing it in to the Office of Student Affairs and Life Division no later than 2020/09/18.

  If you have any questions or concerns, please contact: Ms. Chung at 03-8906217

Your safety, OSA's delight!

Student Living Services Division
Office of Student Affairs

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