分類: 活動公告
來源: 學務處 - 莊欽吉 - jcc8344220@gms.ndhu.edu.tw - 電話6222
對象: 全校教師_全校學生_系所助理
標題: 【活動】參加交通安全課程(109-1學期),可抵免安全/車輛違規(罰款)。【Activity】 Deductions of Safety/Vehicle Violation Fine by Attending the Traffic Safety Course   for 1st Semester of Academic Year 2020
日期: Fri, 11 Sep 2020 18:45:36 +0800

二、活動時間:1500~1600 (含報到)
(二)上課人數以30位為限並採網路預約方式。網址: https://sys.ndhu.edu.tw/SA/XSL_ApplyRWD/ActApply.aspx
       請先至本校跨域自主學習活動暨報名系統,申請點選交通安全課程->參加上課當日出席簽到 ->完成課程後,由生輔組依照簽到名冊統一造冊上簽奉核,並會請總務處事務組辦理銷單。
    (1) 以當學年違規處理費為限
    (2) 課程時數50分鐘抵銷罰款金額100元,每學年至多折抵新臺幣五百元。


Dear faculty, staff, and students,
In order to decrease the number of vehicle accidents, a series of traffic safety classes will be offered.  Anyone attending one class could be granted with deductions from the current safety/vehicle violation fine.  
Class information
1.Date & Lecture topics:
(1)Sep 16th (Wed), 2020 & You should be to know that safety on road.
(2)Oct 14th (Wed), 2020 & Defensive driving.
(3)Nov 18th (Wed), 2020 & How to deal with traffic accidents.
(4)Dec 16th (Wed), 2020 & You should be to know for traffic accidents: settlement agreement(Traffic accident 
solution), insurance, safety precautions
2.Time: 15:00 ~ 16:00 (including check-in)
3.Location: Room 214, Administration Building.
1)The third Wednesday of every month is set as the Traffic Safety Day.  One traffic safety class will be offered at 15:00-16:00.
2)Each class accommodates 30 persons max by appointment on a first-come-first-serve basis. Please sign up via:  https://sys.ndhu.edu.tw/SA/XSL_ApplyRWD/ActApply.aspx
3)For anyone who wishes to get deductions ($100NT deduction for every 50-minute class) from the current safety/vehicle violation fine should complete the following procedure:
(1)Visit the NDHU - Interdisciplinary Autonomous Learning Certification System  https://sys.ndhu.edu.tw/SA/XSL_ApplyRWD/ActApply.aspx 
(2)Choose My Favorite and Enroll it.
(3)Go to the class which you choose and sign in.
(4) Student Living Services Division, Office of Student Affairs will process the deduction.

Student Living Services Division, Office of Student Affairs

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