分類: 行政公告
來源: 學務處 - 余惠真 - nacy4631@gms.ndhu.edu.tw - 電話03-8906212
對象: 大四以上
標題: 【學生宿舍】留校就讀本校研究所新生申請109學年住宿事宜【Student Dormitory】Dormitory Application by Future NDHU Graduate Students for 2020-2021 Academic Year
日期: Mon, 25 May 2020 08:52:06 +0800

2.【申請時間】: 即日起至2020/05/29(五)12:00止。
   (1) 請列印附檔申請表,確實填寫相關資料,於申請表簽章處簽名。
(2) 需由錄取之研究所師長或系所主任簽章確認。
(3) 請於2020/05/29(五)12:00前繳交申請表至學務處生輔組。
(1) 研究所的住宿莊別為擷雲莊與行雲莊三、四樓。
(2) 住宿同學須配合生輔組進行寢室與床位編排。
(3) 寢室床位預定於2020/06/02(二)12:00公佈,請自行至學生住宿申請系統查詢https://sys.ndhu.edu.tw/SA/dorm/Login.aspx。
(1) 住宿保證金繳交時間為2020/06/02(二)12:00起至2020/06/08(一)24:00止,床位申請成功者須於期限內繳交住宿保證金(每人貳仟元整)以取得住宿資格,請同學務必留意繳費期限。
(2) 未於期限內完成保證金繳交者視同床位放棄,其放棄之床位將提供候補同學進行床位申請。
(3) 完成保證金繳交者具有109學年度上、下學期住宿資格,為避免影響其他同學床位申請權益,建議同學珍惜已完成申請之床位,若非因畢業、休退學或其他不可抗拒原因仍要求退宿者,依據「國立東華大學學生宿舍申請住宿及退費辦法」第七條第二項,保證金不予退還,特此提醒與說明。
    (1) 國立東華大學學生宿舍管理規則
    (2) 國立東華大學學生宿舍申請住宿及退費辦法
    (3) 國立東華大學學生宿舍住宿收費標準一覽表
    (4) 學生宿舍住宿保證金實施細則
    (5) 學生宿舍電器使用細則
    (6) 宿舍違約金罰款標準
    (7) 宿舍生活公約
對學生宿舍申請有相關疑問者,歡迎電洽承辦人員分機:余助理03-8906212,鍾助理 03-8906217。

Dear all,
In order to arrange accommodations for future graduate students, we advise that you take the following steps in mind:
1.	【Qualification】:
NDHU undergraduate students who have been admitted to NDHU graduate programs.
2.	【Application Period】:
Starting immediately until 2020/05/29(Fri)12:00.
3.	【Application procedure】:
(1)	Fill the application form online, print it out and sign it.
(2)	Obtain the signature of either your academic advisor or dean of the college.
(3)	Submit the application form to the Student Living Services Division, Office of Student Affairs by 2020/05/29(Fri)12:00
4.	【Room assignment】:
(1)	The graduate student dorms are DormitoryⅠand 3F & 4F of DormitoryⅤ.
(2)	All students must cooperate with room arrangements made by the Student Living Services Division, Office of Student Affair.
(3)	The result of room assignment will be announced at 2020/06/02(Tue)12:00 on the website. https://sys.ndhu.edu.tw/SA/dorm/Login.aspx
5.	【Paying deposit】:
(1)	Each applicant needs to pay a 2000NT deposit between 2020/06/02(Tue)12:00and 2020/06/08(Mon)24:00. https://school.bot.com.tw/newTwbank/StudentLogin.aspx
(2)	Be sure to pay the deposit during this period, otherwise your application will be cancelled. The reserved room will then be released to the waiting applicants. 
(3)	The deposit won’t be returned to you if you give up the application afterwards for any reason other than graduation, dropping out of the school or some other irresistible causes.
6.	Please read all the dormitory regulations carefully before your application.    
For any questions or concerns, please contact Ms. Chung at 03-8906217.

Your safety, OSA's delight!
Student Living Services Division Office of Student Affairs

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