分類: 行政公告, 活動公告
來源: 學務處畢業生及校友服務組 - 劉碧純 - sun@gms.ndhu.edu.tw - 電話6282
對象: 全校教職員_全校學生
標題: 國立東華大學108學年度畢業典禮相關事項 (2020 National Dong Hwa University Commencement)
日期: Thu, 23 Apr 2020 19:32:38 +0800
附檔: 108學年度畢業典禮-各院規劃統計表1090423.docx.pdf (437 KB)   





                                 學生事務處  敬邀

Dear Teachers and Students

Time flies, and Summer is about to come. Sooner some of our students are going to graduate and step into a new travel in their life. Due to the COVID-19 influences, the 2020 NDHU Commencement will be hold and proceeded alternatively.

According to the announcement from Central Epidemic Command Center, indoor events that are attended by more than 100 people and outdoor gatherings that are attended by more than 500 people be suspended, in order to prevent cluster infections.

Therefore, in order to fully prepare and lower the risks as much as possible, the 2020 NDHU Commencement will take place as serial small ceremonies for each department instead of one big event for the whole university. The commencement will be divided and hold by each college, and the diploma granting ceremony will be hosted by the college dean.

The serial graduate ceremonies will start from this May 25th to June 7th. The venue will be located at the courtyard of Student Activity Center or depending on the arrangements from each college. The ceremony will conduct by each department, one by one. Regarding to the arrangements of each college and the department, please kindly check the following attachment. Currently, the information on this list includes the College of Science and Engineer and the College of Marine Sciences. The rest of the Colleges’ ceremony decisions will be announced shortly.

Once again, congratulations graduate. You’ve worked hard to achieve your goals and now you’re on your way to seek new vistas, dream new dreams, embark on who you are, embrace life with passion and keep reaching for your star. we sincerely invite you to join the alternative 2020 NDHU Commencement, and share the achievement and joy with everyone!

Division of Graduate Placement and Alumni Services
Office of Student Affairs

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