分類: 行政公告
來源: 學務處衛生保健組 - 許嫦雯 - chr@gms.ndhu.edu.tw - 電話6254
對象: 全校教職員_全校學生_兼任教師
標題: 【教育部防疫通知】連假後返校,請留意健康、遵守社交距離、配戴口罩;曾外出旅遊人潮擁擠者,須自主健康管理14天(有症狀者始不上班上學) [Epidemic Notice by the Ministry of Education] Please Observe Health, Keep Social Distancing, and Wear a Mask. Conduct Self-Health Management if Having Visited Crowded Districts Specified by CECC during Spring Break.
日期: Mon, 6 Apr 2020 17:45:42 +0800
附檔: 進入機構務必配戴口罩.png (426 KB)   Wear a mask at all times.png (689 KB)   進入機構務必洗手.png (1 MB)   clean your hands.png (500 KB)   

1.	連假間曾外出中央流行疫情指揮中心發佈之旅遊人潮擁擠地區,要自主健康管理14天(戴口罩、禁止不必要的外出、嚴格保持社交距離,有症狀者不可以上班上學),有旅遊史有症狀者,就醫或打1922,發燒、呼吸道腹瀉、嗅覺味覺失調都要明確告知。
2.	所有人在連假結束返校的14天內,務必每天提高對自身健康狀況的警覺並每天量測體溫。如發現身體不適,請即配戴口罩立即就醫或在家休息,並即時通報學校。
3.	身體不適症狀包括發燒、上呼道症狀或失去嗅覺味覺、腸胃道腹瀉等症狀者,可按規定請假在家休息自主管理並填寫「發燒或其他呼吸道症狀自主回報系統」,https://web.ndhu.edu.tw/SA/COVID-19_N14D/Login.aspx?lang=tw ,後續會有專人來電關懷服務。
4.	本校自2020/04/07(二)開始嚴格執行社交距離規範,「特定人聚集場合」須是參與師生有固定座位,並能保留出席記錄的場合,一旦近距離接觸或交談,仍應立即配戴口罩。若不能維持室外1公尺、室內1.5公尺,就須全面配戴口罩,包括:
1)	全校敎師應戴口罩(含透明口罩)授課。
2)	一般類型課程人數可保持社交距離(室內1.5公尺、室外1公尺)之課程,請授課敎師和同學協助調整維持此社交距離。
3)	一般類型課程無法保持社交距離之課程,同學應戴口罩上課。
4)	實驗室及研討室類型之課程,同學應戴口罩上課。
5)	上述外之其他類型課程,請依據上課時之社交距離,由授課教師自行調整以決定上課是否應戴口罩。
5.	提醒落實手部衛生、勤洗手、注意咳嗽禮節(參閱附件衛教圖片)
6.	為利後續可能之疫調所需,連假行程可用手機或紀錄放假期間活動足跡日誌。如因隱匿而造成日後校園防疫破口,則依校內獎懲規定追究其責任。
7.	若有教職員工生進行居家檢疫、居家隔離及自主健康管理,請立即通報衛生保健組03-8906254、校安值班專線:0937-295995


Dear faculty, staff, and students,
    To reduce the risk of epidemic prevention breaches caused by tomb-sweeping or traveling during the spring break, please observe the following:

1.	If you have been to any crowded gathering specified by the CECC, please TAKE SELF-HEALTH MANAGEMENT for 14 days (wear masks, avoid unnecessary outings, and strictly keep social distancing, stay at home if any symptom has developed). Anyone with TOOC and symptoms (including fever, upper respiratory tract symptoms or loss of olfaction and taste, gastrointestinal diarrhea) must seek medical treatment or call 1922 to report concisely. 
2.	Within 14 days after returning to school, be sure to stay alert of your health and take body temperature daily. If you feel unwell, please immediately wear a mask to seek medical treatment or rest at home, and report to the school.
3.	Anyone with symptoms of physical discomfort including fever, upper respiratory tract symptoms or loss of olfaction and taste, gastrointestinal diarrhea can take a leave at home for self-health management and report on the "Self-reporting system of fever or other respiratory symptoms" https://web.ndhu.edu.tw/SA/COVID-19_N14D/Login.aspx?lang=tw . Consultation and follow-up services will be provided by the school. 
4.	The school will strictly implement the social distancing regulations effective on 2020/04/07 (Tuesday). "Specific gathering occasions" refer to those where the participating instructor(s) and students have fixed seating and can keep attendance records. Masks should be put on while having close contact or conversations. If you cannot maintain the social distance of 1 meter outdoors and 1.5 meters indoors, you must wear a mask.  Situations include:
1)	Full-time and part-time instructors should all wear transparent masks or surgical masks in class.
2)	For courses of a general type, the instructors should work with students together to maintain a social distance (1.5 meters indoors or 1 meter outdoor).
3)	If the mentioned social distance cannot be kept, students should wear masks in class.
4)	For courses of laboratory or seminar types, all students should wear masks.
5)	For courses of other types, the instructors could decide accordingly.

5.	Reinforce hand hygiene, frequent hand washing, cough etiquette. 
6.	For the possible epidemic follow-ups, it is advisable to use mobiles to record the activities or footprint log during the holidays. Should any breach of epidemic prevention in the future be caused by someone's concealment, the person will be held responsible and punished under the school rules.
7.	If you're under home quarantine, home isolation, or self-health management, please immediately notify Health Services Division 03-890-6254, or Campus Security 0937-295995.

Your health, OSA's delight
Division of Health Services
Office of Student Affairs

jpg、png、gif、pdf 附檔縮圖(pdf 只顯示第一頁):


Wear a mask at all times.png


clean your hands.png

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