分類: 行政公告
來源: 學務處衛生保健組 - 許嫦雯 - chr@gms.ndhu.edu.tw - 電話6254
對象: 全校教職員_全校學生_兼任教師
標題: 【防疫通知】請具韓國、日本、泰國、義大利、伊朗、新加坡旅遊史(含入境)完成自主通報
日期: Wed, 26 Feb 2020 15:31:37 +0800

一、2/25日零時起自韓國、或2/24 16:30起自日本、泰國、義大利、伊朗、新加坡旅遊回國者,請至以下登錄系統進行【自主通報】,系統網址: https://www.ndhu.edu.tw/p/423-1000-2949.php?Lang=zh-tw

1. 所有人士:有日本、泰國、義大利、伊朗、新加坡旅遊史(入境),2/24  16:30後入境。
2. 本國籍:有韓國旅遊史,2/25-26入境。


To prevent Severe Special Infectious Pneumonia(COVID-19), we would request your corporation with the survey.
1.The survey should be responded by the following personnel: 
-Persons from Korea arriving in Taiwan after 2020/02/25 00:00 
- Persons from Japan, Thailand, Italy, Iran or Singapore arriving in Taiwan after 2020/02/24 16:30
Please fill in the survey on line : https://www.ndhu.edu.tw/p/423-1000-2950.php?Lang=zh-tw

2.A school-wide survey may be conducted if the Ministry of Education requires in the future.
3.Please avoid travelling to the above areas unless necessary. 
4.The above personnel are required to take: 
(1) Home quarantine	 
-Non-ROC citizens arriving in Taiwan from Korea after 2020/2/25 00:00
-ROC citizens arriving in Taiwan from Korea after 2020/2/27 00:00
-All persons arriving in Taiwan from Japan, Thailand, Italy, Iran, and Singapore after 2020/02/24 16:30 
-ROC citizens arriving in Taiwan from Korea between 2020/02/25 00:00 and 2020/02/26 23:59
5.Violators of home quarantine requirements who refuse to take the measures, provide inaccurate records, go outside or take public transportation without consent will be fined ranging from NT 10,000 to 150,000 according to Article 58 and 69, Communicable Disease Control Act.
6.  The campus infectious disease notification line: NDHU Health Center 03-8906254, NDHU security 0937-295995 
Yours health, OSA delight
Health Center

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