分類: 行政公告 來源: 心理諮商輔導中心 - 陳淑惠 - csh12967@gms.ndhu.edu.tw - 電話6276 對象: 全校教職員_全校學生 標題: 諮商中心服務公告( Counseling Center Announcement ) 日期: Wed, 26 Feb 2020 14:13:00 +0800 附檔: 20200226公告資訊中文.jpg (852 KB)   心理諮商輔導中心防疫文宣2.pdf (57 KB)   心理諮商輔導中心中心公告資訊英文.jpg (1 MB)   
各位師長、同學大家好, 因應嚴重特殊傳染性肺炎,配合衛生福利部疾病管制署公告及教育部指示,心理諮商輔導中心於即日起調整心理諮商服務如下: 一、進中心注意事項: ‧ 進中心前請先於門口使用酒精消毒雙手、配戴口罩。 ‧ 前往櫃檯由工讀生以額溫槍測量體溫並填寫防疫表格,體溫超過37.5℃明顯發燒者,建議就醫並於住處休息,如有必要可與院系心理師聯繫。 二、開放時間更動: ‧ 中心開放時間改為:9:00-12:00;13:20-20:45,中午不開放。 ‧ 有預約者盡量準時到達,會談後儘速離開,大廳等待區停留時限為10分鐘。 ‧ 會談時間準時在每小時的50分時結束,以利後續環境清潔作業。 三、空間人數管控: ‧ 中心內等待區留置人數上限為三人。若沒有提前預約,大廳等待區超過人數上限時請告知櫃台後在中心外等待。 ‧ 因晤談室多屬狹小之密閉空間,僅接受預約的同學前來。為減少接觸機會,部分諮商服務時段暫行以通訊軟體Skype進行,以受居家隔離自主管理同學優先。詳細作法另行通知有需要者。 According to the Taiwan Centers for Disease Control and The Ministry of Education. During the period of Coronavirus condition. The Counseling Center has some new policy. Before you step in the counseling center, you need to A. Wear mask B. Use the disinfectant alcohol that set next to the door clean your hands After you walk in the counseling center, there is an employee will check your body temperature. If your body temperature is higher than 37.5℃, we will suggest you go for a doctor and stay home. The counseling center opens from 9:00-12:00 in morning and 13:20~17:00 in afternoon. It is not open at lunch time. You have to make an appointment before you come. How to make an appointment TEL: (03)890-6263;phee1801@gms.ndhu.edu.tw About the session Every counseling session is 50-minute long and will end on time for the staff to clean environment afterwards. Leave the Counseling Center after your session Students number control: Three is the maximum number of students in the center waiting area. If you do not make an appointment with a counselor in advance, please inform the counter and wait outside the center when there are more than three students in the waiting area. You should make an appointment with counselors in advance if you want to start a counseling. To prevent novel Coronavirus infection, we offer web counselling through Skype for students, especially for those who have sent into quarantine. Information about the web counseling will offer to those who need this service.
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