分類: 行政公告
來源: 學務處衛生保健組 - 許嫦雯 - chr@gms.ndhu.edu.tw - 電話6254
對象: 全校教職員_全校學生
標題: 【全校防疫普查通知】守護校園健康無死角,敬請全校教職員工、學生配合上網填報防疫普查                                                                    [School-wide epidemic prevention notice] In order to protect the campus from Severe Special Infectious Pneumonia/Wuhan Pneumonia, all the faculties, staffs, and students are requested to fill in the epidemic prevention survey  
日期: Sun, 2 Feb 2020 23:33:16 +0800
附檔: S__5554206.jpg (403 KB)   

教職員工生務必配合(職員工請於2020/02/03前完成填寫; 教師及學生請儘快填寫,至遲於開學/返校前完成填寫)
三、中央流行疫情指揮中心再次呼籲,出國民眾於返國入境時如有發燒、咳嗽等不適症狀,應主動通報機場及港口檢疫人員;返國14天內如出現上述疑似症狀,可撥打免付費防疫專線1922 (或0800-001922) ,依指示戴口罩儘速就醫,並請務必告知醫師旅遊史、職業別、接觸史及是否群聚(TOCC),以及時診斷通報。更多「嚴重特殊傳染性肺炎」(武漢肺炎)資訊,可參閱疾管署網站(https://www.cdc.gov.tw)。


Dear faculties/staffs/students of National Dong Hwa University:

1. This notice is issued in accordance with the Circular of the Ministry of Education on January 30, 2020, and supplementary explanation on February 1, 2020 (official document no. 1090014248A).
2. In response to the serious epidemic conditions of the "Severe Special Infectious Pneumonia/Wuhan Pneumonia", all the faculties, staffs and students are requested to complete the [epidemic prevention survey] immediately after receiving this notice.  (deadlines: for the staffs, 2020/02/03; for faculties and students, before returning to school).  The epidemic prevention survey is under the website of Dong Hwa University Epidemic Prevention Zone: https://www.ndhu.edu.tw/p/423-1000-2935.php?Lang=zh-tw
By law, all the faculties/staffs and students must cooperate.
3. The Central Epidemic Command Center urge people who have a fever, cough and other discomforts when returning or detour from China should inform the quarantine staff at the airport or the port.  If the above-mentioned suspected symptoms occur within 14 days of returning to Taiwan, please call toll- free epidemic prevention line, 1922 (or 0800-001922) first for further assistantship and instruction.  Make sure to wear a mask to hospital, and to inform the doctor of your travel history, occupation, contact history, and whether it is clustered (TOCC) in order for timely diagnosis. For more information on "Severe Special Infectious Pneumonia/Wuhan Pneumonia", please refer to the website of the Department of Health Administration (https://www.cdc.gov.tw).
4. the campus infectious disease notification line: Health Care Group 03-8906254, school security duty line: 03-8906995

Yours health, OSA delight
Health Center

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